Chapter 12

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Terrence and I stare at each other for a while. I don't know how to react. Of course I got the sexual message he was trying to get across, I'm not that dense. But I can only think of one thing. Why? Which is exactly what I blurt out. "Why?"

The boy squirms uncomfortably. "Well. I've kind of been fantasizing about you since that time we awkwardly met at the auditorium despite all the shit that's been happening." he explains. This seems so weird and unreal. First Olivier, now gray eyes? Why do they like me all of a sudden? I'm not handsome, very childish, very annoying. Just unattractive in general really.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the soft touch of Terrence his hand taking a hold of mine. I look at him and open my mouth to say something. But nothing comes to mind so I just close it again and frown. Terrence places his other hand one my hip and leans forward, kissing me softly. That small touch seems to unleash a fire that spreads throughout my body. He opens his eyes and I get lost in the gray storm they hold. Kissing Olivier was not as exciting as this.

I close my eyes and lean in so our lips touch again. His hands move to my thighs where he starts rubbing them up and down. I find myself growing hot and shyly spread my legs a little. My skin is burning and his gray eyes are all I can see in my mind. I want to touch him more.

I lift my hands and bury them in his hair. His hair is so soft. I didn't know hair could be so soft. Mine certainly isn't.

We stop our kiss so we can collect our breath and our eyes meet again. His haunting gray gaze is glazed over and his face is completely flushed. I reckon I look the same. Terrence smiles widely as his hand raises up my shirt slightly so his fingers can graze along the band of my pants. I shiver at his touch.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" he asks and bites his lip but continues smiling. I feel as though he's put me under a spell. My mind is all hazy and only occupied with him. At the mention of the word 'boyfriend' Olivier pops into my head though. "I'm not sure that would be fair to my... Friend?" I say hesitantly.

Terrence furrows his eyebrows and frowns slightly. His hand stops rubbing me but remains in placed against my skin. "Friend?" he asks. I nod and start explaining quickly. "Lucas was being a shitty friend and talked me into going to Olivier's house for a one night stand but turned out that Oli had a crush on me and he gave this really cheesy speech about how he was going to woo me with dates and stuff so I would want him to be my boyfriend and then we kissed a bit and cuddled but we're not an actual thing I don't know if it's okay for me to just go date another guy though cause he's really sweet and he deserves to be treated well."

I take a few deep breaths after that as Terrence seems to be frozen in place as he stares at me. That has to have been the longest sentence I have ever created. There's no way it was grammatically correct but I'm still sort of proud.

He bites his lip and looks away in thought. His hand starts petting my lower belly again and I rest my head on his shoulder, humming contently. Then those gray eyes meet mine again. "I guess I'll just join in on his cliché 'I'm going to prove you my worth' thing and fight for your hand" he says with a grin. Then he lifts one of my hands to his lips and leaves a soft kiss on it. "As long as you still give me tummy rubs anything's fine by me." I mumble into his neck and he laughs.

"I guess that Olivier was one of the guys at your lunch table?" he asks. I nod. "He was the one without the popcorn. He actually slapped the bag out of my hand and went all 'No! You will not eat that!'. So rude." I tell him and sigh. Terrence laughs again and continues rubbing my tummy. I actually end up taking a nap.

One of Those Nights (boyxboy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu