07 | Rory

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vii. RORY


"SO IF YOU'RE A vampire, do you actually drink human blood? 'Cause if we're gonna be friends, we're gonna have to find some kind of middle-ground

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"SO IF YOU'RE A vampire, do you actually drink human blood? 'Cause if we're gonna be friends, we're gonna have to find some kind of middle-ground."

Jasper Hale couldn't help but laugh at the sound of this. "I'm afraid we don't drink human blood, ma'am. You'll have to find something else to write about in your diary," teased Jasper.

Jaw dropped, Lorelai shook her head at his words. "Then, how exactly do you feed? Wait, don't tell me—vampires eat fast food just like the rest of us," joked Lorelai.

"Close," Jasper admitted. "My family and I call ourselves vegetarians. For our kind, hunting animals is like living on tofu. It keeps you strong, but isn't very satisfying. Lucky for the both of us, I can hardly smell your blood because of your smoking addiction. Cancer sticks can kill you, ma'am."

Lorelai glimpsed down at the cigarette resting between her slender fingers. She shrugged, continuing to stroll through the forest. They seemed to always be there. It was their favorite spot. The only difference between today and other days was that Jasper felt comfortable enough to walk beside her rather than at a distance.

"You're talking to an anorexic girl whose just been exposed to the world of vampires. Something tells me that these are the last things I'm worried about killing me, sir," mentioned Lorelai. "By the way, why exactly do you call me ma'am so much? It makes me feel old."

Jasper was hesitant. "You won't like it."

Lorelai stopped in her tracks, supplying the boy with a skeptical glance. "What? I'm not even that much older than you," argued Lorelai. "...Or is it something else?"

"It's... your name," started Jasper. "Lorelai doesn't suit you."

"Jasper, it's my name."

"I told you you wouldn't be happy."

"Well, I mean, you refuse to call me by my actual name, so I'm a little bothered," admitted Lorelai light-heartedly. "Just call me Lor. That's what my Dad and Bella call me."

Jasper shook his head once more. "What about... Lori?" he suggested. Lorelai made a face, clear dislike for the nickname written on her face. "Or... Rory?"

Lorelai pondered upon the nickname for a short moment until it clicked in her head. "You know, I didn't think I'd ever take you for a Gilmore Girls fan, but you know what? I like it," she admitted. "But that means I get to call you Jazz. Jasper reminds me of Casper the Friendly Ghost way too much."

Jasper mocked her. "Rory, it's my name," he taunted.

Hitting his arm, she said, "Shut up."

For the past month or so, Lorelai's days had been spent by bonding with the Cullens and her own family. It didn't hit her that the Cullens were her only real friends until recently, yet Lorelai didn't seem to mind all that much.

Lorelai would admit that it was strange being able to call the Cullens her friends, not just Jasper and Carlisle. Lorelai had finally gotten Rosalie to carry a conversation with her, and even Edward was trying to get on her good side. She had a strong feeling that this was only because Edward had taken a liking toward her little sister though.

Lorelai wondered how much Bella knew about Edward and his family. If anything, she probably knew about their supernatural secret by now.

Upon heading home, Lorelai arrived just in time to see Edward saying goodbye to Bella. The Blacks seemed to have pulled into the Swan driveway at the same time. Lorelai turned to Jasper to point this out, but she paused when she noticed how tense he had suddenly become.

"I'll see you later," Jasper hurriedly stated before joining Edward's side at his Volvo. Lorelai's face tugged with confusion as she joined her sister's side. Bella seemed just as puzzled as her sister.

Lorelai would have made some kind of joke about the whole situation (and the fact that Bella was finally cleaning her truck), but she chose not to due to her own bafflement. To make matters even stranger, Bella didn't even acknowledge Lorelai. Weird

"Come to visit your truck?" Bella kindly asked the Blacks.

Jacob smiled at the Swan sisters. "It looks good," he commented. His gaze fell on the side of the car. "You got that dent out."

Billy wheeled forward in his wheelchair. "Actually, we came to visit your flatscreen. First Mariners game of the season," Billy explained before looking at his son. "Plus, Jacob here kept bugging me to see you again."

A mortified facial expression appeared on Jacob's youthful features, causing Lorelai to snicker and Bella to blush embarrassingly. "Great, Dad. Thanks," he sarcastically mumbled, clearly irritated as Charlie Swan's Police Cruiser pulled up.

"Pale Ale," Charlie called, holding up two six-packs as he climbed out of his vehicle.

Holding up a brown paper bag, Billy said, "Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry." Lorelai crinkled her nose up in disgust, feeling squeamish at the sound of it.

The Swans and Blacks promptly piled into the quaint home. Charlie clicked on the television to play the game while everyone settled down. He wondered how long it would take before his daughters retired to other matters since neither of them found any interest in sports.

With a drink in his hand, Billy glanced back at Charlie. "Any luck with the Waylon case?"

Charlie's face darkened. Lorelai frowned, thinking of the case her father had been working particularly hard on to solve. The animal attacks were worsening, resulting in several injured townspeople and even the death of Waylon.

"Found a footprint out at the crime scene today," Charlie announced. It was easy to notice how worried Charlie was about the entire situation. "A bare, human footprint."

Appalled, Bella gasped. "A person did that?"

"A crazy person, walking around barefoot this time of year," Jacob mumbled.

Charlie looked to Billy. "Spread the word out at the rez, will ya?" he requested, thinking of all the nature-obsessed kids who lived on the same Natives reservation as Billy and Jacob Black. "Keep the kids out of the woods."

"Will do," Billy assured, glimpsing back at Lorelai and Bella. "Don't want no one else getting hurt."

"That goes for you, too, Lor," added Charlie, his eyes going back to the TV screen. "I don't want you going out into the woods until I figure out what's been causing these attacks."

Lorelai paused, thinking about it. It would do her some good to give her father some peace of mind. She just nodded and mumbled, "Will do, Pops."

She looked out the window at the nearby trees, thoughts clouding her mind. Lorelai couldn't help but wonder... A vampire couldn't have been behind the attacks, right?

If so, it couldn't be one of the Cullens, could it?

Lorelai shook her head. She wanted to give the Cullens the benefit of doubt. She just hoped she wouldn't regret it.

Revised: November 20th, 2019

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