12 | Pre-Battle Bonfire

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RORY SWAN STOOD ALONGSIDE her fellow vampires as Edward attempted to plan out what they should expect

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RORY SWAN STOOD ALONGSIDE her fellow vampires as Edward attempted to plan out what they should expect. "Jane and Alec will try to take me out first because I can anticipate their moves," Edward explained. "Then, they'll go for Rory. She and I are their greatest threat."

"Too bad we don't all have your shield," mentioned Garett, glancing over at Bella.

"Doesn't help me fight, though," Bella said, causing Rory to pinch the bridge of her nose. You'd think dying and becoming a vampire would make Bella a little smarter.

Rory furrowed her eyebrows together. "B, have you ever heard of defense? Your power's helpful. The real problem is that you can barely throw a proper punch."

Meanwhile, Tanya explained, "Maybe you could help the rest of us if you could project it."

"Is that possible?"

"Gifts can be developed," Carlisle answered, nodding his head, "but over time."

Rory nodded. "He's right. I've been training for months and now I can basically manipulate anything with a bit of effort," she admitted. "I could try manipulating Bella's shield myself, but it wouldn't be as powerful. She's gotta figure out how to expand it herself."

Kate nodded from beside Rory. "At first it was just in my palms. Now, I can radiate it all over my body." Her hands sparked with electricity again before vanishing again.

"How do you do it?" demanded Bella. Kate and Rory exchanged glances. "Tell me!" She reached out and took Kate's hand, gripping it tightly.


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"This is Jasper Hale—"

Rory sighed, shoving Bella's cellphone back into her pocket. After destroying her last one, she was still insistent on attempting to contact her mate, even if that meant failing again and again and again.

While Bella was left to train with Kate, Rory was in charge of babysitting Renesmee, for everyone was positive that Rory would just distract Bella. She was offended for a moment, but understood. Besides, they had already promised that Rory would get her fun with Bella eventually.

The funny thing about Bella's shield was that it typically blocked any manipulative powers that could play tricks on her brain, such as Jane's, Kate's, and Edward's. However, more physical or realistic ones, such as Rory's ability to mend her sister's bones seemed to work just fine.

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