05 | Badass Bella

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THERE WERE SOME THINGS in this world that Jasper Hale knew were wonders

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THERE WERE SOME THINGS in this world that Jasper Hale knew were wonders. For example, the Great Pyramid of Giza was one great wonder of the world; Lorelai Swan was another.

He had never really been able to describe his journey with Lorelai in just a few words. They had been through more than a lot over the past nearly three years. He was initially introduced to Lorelai when she was at the lowest she'd ever be in her life, when she was nothing but skin and bones. He watched her discover the strength she never knew she had, which furthermore allowed her to push herself to recovery.

Sure, somewhere in the process Lorelai had been killed. However, she managed to pick herself up and come back ten times stronger than she already was.

Jasper Hale admired his girlfriend.

He was proud of her. He adored her. He loved every single quirk about her. He loved the way her eyes turned into little crescent moons when she smiled big enough. He loved the way her hands fit in his. He loved how she was able to brighten a room with a witty comment or joke, despite how dim everyone's outlooks could be. He loved how protective she was of the ones she considered her family, whether that was Bella, Charlie, the Olympic coven, or even the werewolves. He loved how she was always intelligent and tactful, never doing anything without thinking it through twice.

All in all, Jasper Hale really loved his girlfriend, even when she lost her cool, which happened from time to time.

For instance, the couple had been pulling into the Swan residence when they noticed three figures standing out in the middle of the street. Lorelai exchanged glances with Jasper before the two scrambled out of the car, just in time to hear Edward Cullen threaten Jacob Black.

"If you ever touch her against her will again—" Edward snarled, gripping onto Jacob's shirt.

Lorelai's eyes widened, shock and fury instantaneously seeping through her veins as she approached them.

"Don't do this here!" Bella shouted over Edward. She seemed to be cradling her wrist against her chest, similar as to how one would when they're injured.

"She's not sure what she wants. I do," Jacob snapped, his teeth gritted as Lorelai came face-to-face with the testosterone-filled boys.

"You know nothing. Let me give you a clue," Edward spoke as he got in Jacob's face again. "Wait for her to say the words."

"Fine! And she will," Jacob assured.

"I'm pretty sure those words would come if either of you let her speak for herself, dammit!" Lorelai snapped, using her strength to push the two of them away from each other. "I don't give a flying fuck about what either of you want. I don't care that I've known you for all my life," she looked to Jacob, "or the fact that we're practically family now," she looked to Edward, "Not everything is about you, idiots!"

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