09 | A Date With The Volturi

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A DEEP FROWN TUGGED on Lorelai Swan's porcelain face

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A DEEP FROWN TUGGED on Lorelai Swan's porcelain face. A cheap pair of sunglasses hung loosely on her face, just barely sitting at the point of her nose. She gazed out the window longingly, watching the Italian citizens and tourists saunter throughout Volterra, Italy.

"I can't believe I'm actually in Italy and I can't even try authentic Italian pizza," grumbled the newborn vampire. Bella glanced back at her through the rearview mirror of the yellow Porsche Alice Cullen happily stole. "Just think about all the pastas!"

"It's not like you would've eaten it," Bella pointed out with a sour tone.

Lorelai lowered her sunglasses to adjust the scarf wrapped around her head. "Someone's in a pissy mood," she taunted. "At least you slept through the whole flight. I thought I was gonna lose my mind just sitting there—"

"They refused him," Alice suddenly interrupted, her hands tightly gripping the wheel. It was then when Rory realized something: Whose idea was it to let the psychic who got visions that often impaired her sight at random drive the car? "He's gonna make a scene—show himself to the humans."

Lorelai's gold eyes widened as Bella demanded, "When?" Alice took a sharp turn down the street, explaining that Edward was planning to wait until noon—when the sun was at its highest. "Oh my God... Alice, you gotta hurry up."

"Inhale, exhale, B," Lorelai coached. She reached out in front of her in the tiny car, holding Bella's warm hand with her colder one. "We're almost there." She glanced up, looking at the city that was decorated with beautiful buildings lining up the hill. She paused, noticing the people wearing their red capes. "Did we miss the memo about wearing all red?"

"San Marcos Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city," explained Alice.

Lorelai snorted and slipped her glasses back on her face. "Just imagine what they'd do if they saw us walking around."

Alice smiled gently at the lighthearted humor, continuing, "It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself."

Lorelai flinched when she heard Bella's heart rate drastically pick up. Her dark eyes were glued to the clock. "Five minutes."

"Already?" wondered Lorelai as policemen knocked on the car window. "Hm, well, I suppose that's about right. You know, for plot purposes."

Alice rolled down her window to address the officers outside the car while Bella hopped out. "Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming," warned Alice. "If Rory or I go, he'll read our thoughts. He'll think we're lying and rush into it."

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