07 | Training for the Olympics

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WHENEVER LORELAI SWAN THOUGHT about training in the past, her mind would shoot straight to training for the Olympics

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WHENEVER LORELAI SWAN THOUGHT about training in the past, her mind would shoot straight to training for the Olympics. She would think about the blood, sweat, and tears people would shed just to even compete. Now, here she was, shedding her own version of blood, sweat, and tears to fight newborn vampires. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Lorelai couldn't stop thinking about her manipulative gift. She hadn't considered the extent of her powers until she met Stella. Lorelai had always limited herself to manipulating thoughts and actions, as well as the air and gravity around someone or something.

The list continued to grow in Lorelai's head. She could manipulate people, thoughts, actions, air, gravity, the elements, emotions, time, matter, how something may appear, the biological mechanics of the human body—the list kept going. Just how powerful was Lorelai Swan?

Stella Capulet bounced over toward Lorelai, bright and bubbly as usual. "Thank you so much for coming on such short notice," Lorelai gratefully told the time witch for what felt like the millionth time.

"I told you, babe, it's not a problem. I've been itching to be productive again since graduation," Stella mentioned. "Irene sends her best wishes, by the way. She would've come, but..."

Lorelai shook her head. "No, I get it! Seriously. If I were her, I'd probably do the same," Lorelai responded. She was by no means upset with the human-vampire hybrid. Lorelai would want to lock herself far away from the Volturi and other kinds of trouble if she were in Irene's shoes. Lorelai pointed toward the crowd of vampires and Bella behind her. "Have you met everyone already?"

Stella flashed the girl a charming smile. "Actually, I know some of them already," Stella revealed. "Carlisle and I were one with the Volturi once, Alice and I go way back, and Jasper is, well, Jasper, I suppose."

Lorelai made an o-shape with her mouth, nodding. As she did, Bella approached her older sister's side. "B, this is my friend, Stella. Stell, this is Bella," introduced Lorelai, hanging her arm around her little sister.

Gasping, Stella's eyebrows shot upward. "Wow! È come guardare uno specchio!" exclaimed Stella in Italian. "You two look like you could be twins!" She extended a hand out. "I'm Stella, as she said, though you may know me better as Shakespeare."

Bella's eyes widened. "Wait, you're Shakespeare?" she wondered, her inner nerd shining through. The two shook hands as Bella continued to speak. "But I thought he was a...?"

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