
4.6K 219 39

Guys, I know most of you want me to put Cindy and Isaac down but if I do that that means the book is over. Only three chapters. Relax guys i don't plan on having long chapters for this just something small

But if you guys don't support me how will I be encouraged to write more chapters. To be frank I wasn't expecting this for the second.

Because I had your votes, comments and shares for the first book I had confidence in the second book but no guys.

You aren't supporting this book like you did to the first book. So please and please support this book by voting, commenting even if it something small and sharing it among your friends that all I ask of you guys.

I need your support to move on so don't give up easily. The same support you gave out to the book need it here again.

If you agree with me say yes!!! In the comment box. If you don't agree then don't say anything and I will understand from your comments if I'm doing a good job or not.

Don't break my heart more than you have guys.

Don't forget to follow me, vote, comment and share the book.

Love Rukk360😘😘😘

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