Bussiness to Handle

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" you did a great job !" she blushed on the compliment.

"How was his face when he saw the video?" I wanted to know the outcomes of my effort. I planned it all since the beginning and made Linda to invite his group to her party, just to execute it.

" see the pictures yourself " she mentioned the photographs, she sent on my line. Linda and I were video calling.

Scrutinising the pictures I observed he wore different emotions in each photograph. Ranging from a panicked look to worry,then to embarrassment that soon transformed into anger.

" But why are you so obsessed with him ? " out of blue she posed the question " he just bumped into you, right? " she quirked a brow.

"If you have anything important for tomorrow's class, let me know" I ignored the question she asked. I myself didn't think about that,then how was I supposed to tell her. " it's getting late " i tried to distract her but she seemed least convinced by the way she was staring at me " bye for now.....,see you at school " I waved at her and drooped  quickly the screen of my laptop before she could  have uttered a word.

Once again I scrolled the pictures and
smiled at the one ,with angered look beside the wall. Though he have pale skin, jet black hair and a set of hazel - eyes -- quite a weird combination --, but the fuming anger transformed them into a darker shade,a shade more like cinnamon brown. The clenched fist that was placed on the wall was enough to measure the strength he possesses. Each muscle in his arm popped out,as if carving on a stone. Sure, as a boxer be worked well on the strength of his hands . I myself is very good at boxing coz I used to practice in Australia,as a tactic to release the anger I held against my father. But my boxing was more like Street fighting, unlike the boxing used as sports.


Shoving the covers off I reached out to shut off the alarm. Waking up in the morning is the toughest part of the day. I rubbed my eyes to shed off the remains of sleep still lingering on my eyes. I didn't sleep well tonight partially due to the excitement of executing my new plan which I came up with last night. I  quickly took shower and get dressed. Peeping over the railing I saw my father having his breakfast. I don't want to hear his advice about my love life. So I remained silent.

" Maria ..." he called .She handed him the paper napkin. He used it at the corners of his mouth, carefully wiping off the debris of fresh food.

He looked up and eyed Maria " when you wake him up, tell him to come to my office after school " he ordered putting the crumbled paper napkin on the plate that he used to eat his breakfast. She nodded. Maria never spoke much in front of my father just a few words here and there to put up with her job.

After he left, I came downstairs .

" what's with the long face?" she asked worriedly.

" I just don't feel like going to his  office"  I shrugged in response while taking my usual seat at the table. She poured a glass of juice for me and placed it on the table.

"And...?" she raised her brow amusingly.

" I have plans for school " I informed her.

" like what? " she was crossing the border of an employee,but I dared not to say  this loud to her,because I have a soft spot for her.

" plans for joining the boxing team " I revealed my next strategy to her . The strategy ,I planned the whole night to snatch the place of 'star boxer' in team .


" Are you sure"? George asked doubting my intention about joining the team. " just that ?".

The least amount of suspension he had was enough to intimidate me, so I looked away to avoid his questionable gaze trailing me head to toe. He patted my shoulder " I just need you to be sure that you are doing the right thing" he gave one of his concerned look. I nodded before unbuckling the seatbelt and left the car.

I caught Michael staring at me but he walked away as soon as he saw me. I frowned at his behaviour. Sure a limo for high schooler is the topic of attention, I saw  both boys and girls equally gaping at me but why was he hiding it. Or was he hiding something else ,a light bulb switched on in my mind. I followed him and he went straight to his friends -- the blonde girl Mika and my one and only person of interest in this school Mathew. But I used to call him ' Meth ' for no reason.
There must be something going on among them, I hummed in understanding.

" hey there!..." Linda greeted me enthusiastically. "Ready for the next move " she asked grinning devilishly.
I have not told her about my new plan, yet.

" w...what do you mean.....? " I asked in confusion.

" do you  want to see the looser look on his face or not? " she clicked her tongue snapping a finger at me. Her behaviour irritated me, God knows why?.

" stop this shit.... I have other important business to handle " I shrugged her off and walked off to principal's office, ignoring the bell that indicated the beginning of  the first period.

" Sammy ! My dear "I hissed at the nickname my mother used to call me.
" Have a seat " he motioned me to sit on one of the chairs in front of his desk. I obeyed as I was told. Sinking a bit further into his office chair he smiled curtly " what can I help you with? ".

" actually..... I....." I struggled with words.

Sitting straight in his position he placed his elbows on the desk, fingers entwined. He looked over his palms " I am the best friend of your father..." he reminded me again " your mother was like a sister to me ...." he inhaled a deep sigh slouching back to his chair " you can tell me anything or can ask for anything " he assured glancing me with a concerned look.

" I just want you to recommend me for the boxing team " I demanded shamelessly.

" Is this about the bonding thing again? "He asked amusingly.

Oh yeah! Last time I lied to him about the real reason for insisting on for Mathew to show me around. I told him that I wanted to develop a great bonding with guy like he did with my father. I wanted to befriend the guy coz I feel some kind of connection to him. That was not a straight lie ,I did felt a connection to him...... a connection between enemies,I smirked at the thought.

" Sammy .....?" He snapped me back to present.

"yes....? I blinked at him,
" yes ...,right ....,the bonding thing.... " I muttered .

" let me talk to the coach..... " He smiled " then you can join the practice from tomorrow " he assured.

As I was about to leave the door
" Sammy....! " he called. Turning around I peeked " it's good to know that you are making friends here..... I would like to meet Mathew again " and I cursed the day Mathew was born.

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