Date or Bait

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The cold water sliding on my body was not enough to calm me down.
He was fucking going on a date with that Asian guy which means----
'He is gay......!' I smiled at the thought. I was having those reactions from him because he is gay not haphephobic. So that was the reason why he panicked every time I touched him. A creepy smile flashed on my lips.
'But who the hell was the other guy? He was not from the school. The man was of the solid figure with chiselled jaws and thick eyebrows. I have never seen Mathew with anyone but the other person surely was an experience holder. ' It would be fun to ruin his date' I thought to myself.

After dressing up I called George who was waiting outside to pick me up.
" George I need you to trace a number for me " without even saying hello I ordered.
" which number "? Sensing the urgency in my voice he replied.
" I am working on it ". Before he could have asked anything else I disconnected the call and rushed to the principal's office.

Without asking for permission I barged into his office" uncle I need Mathew's number".
"Aren't you supposed to have his number as you guys are couple ". He doubted my intention.

"Lovers' quarrel.... "scratching the back of my neck I replied" .....and I was so fucking angry that I deleted his number."

" language Sammy.... " he furrowed his brows together.

I mouthed a sorry to him" uncle I am in hurry, I will tell you the details later"

" OK ,but you have to promise me..." He paused for a second and said"....that you won't do anything silly" He pointed a finger. I nodded in agreement.
" fine,Go to the adminstration office they will give you his number from the records ". After hearing his words I victoriously rushed out of his office.

As I walked back to my car George was impatiently waiting for me.

" what are you up to? " as soon as i neared the car George demanded.
I handed him the piece of paper with Mathew's number written on it" this is the number I want you to trace" he squinted his eyes to have a look of the scribbles.

" can you do this....? " I wanted a confirmation.

"Is it about the guy you are obsessed with?" he mocked.
" I am not fucking obsessed with him...." Clenching my jaws I cursed.
" then why the hell are you doing this?" he gave me one of his intimidating look.
" just to have some fun...." I carelessly shrugged"....he is going on a date and I want to ruin it ".

" fun...?" He scoffed " where the hell there is fun in ruining a person's date unless you are jealous?".
"Jealous my ass....!" I looked away from him"....why the hell would i be jealous?" I inquired to myself rather than to him.

" c'mon we'll be late" I avoided the further questioning and opened the door of the front seat to sit in. George still was deep in thought. I honked the horn to get his attention. He looked up and I motioned him to come inside.

George called one of his knowns to inquire the whereabouts of the number."They are in a gay bar not far from here" he informed after disconnecting the call of the person he was talking to.

'In a gay bar' I repeated the info again and again.Going to a gay bar would thoroughly ruin my image in town and if the news reached to my father, he would be angry as hell. ' What should I do' I asked to myself.

" what's next? " George snapped my attention back to him.

I nibbled on my bottom lip thinking about the consequences of my upcoming decision. ' half of the town must have already been aware of the news on our school site' I argued to myself ' and it really doesn't matter what people think of me if I know what I am and as long as I know---I have never been interested in boys'.
"Drive me to the bar" I firmly ordered.

George did as he was told without questioning. I had expected an interrogation from him but who am I to complain!

' what am I gonna do once I reached there' I was deep in thought, tangled in my own conspiracies, when George announced our arrival and I peeked out of the window. Two body builders on entrance were checking the IDs for entry.

" shit.." I cursed ".... how am I supposed to be inside. They are asking for IDs " I expectedly looked at George.

" let me talk to them...." He came out of the car and turned back"..... wait here. I will be back in a minute ".I nodded impatiently.

He reached to the entrance and engaged one of the men in conversation. At first the man seemed unwilling but then George said something that drained the formal confidence out of his face. And after a few seconds later they seemed to be agreed upon something.

The moment George walked back to me I jumped out of the car, as his smile was telling me that the work is done." what did you said to him? I chirped in excitement.
" either money or threat both can work in situations like this " he shrugged.
" and which one did you used?" I was curious as hell.
" a bit of both...." he glanced back at the man on gate who flashed him a nervous smile.

I awarded him a tight hug with a thank you and rushed to the entrance.
" should I wait or leave... " he shouted from behind.
" let me go inside..... " I wanted him to stay "....I 'll inform you after a while".

The descending stairs led me to the underground.
As I got inside, the multitudes of laser lights along with booming sound welcomed me. It was like all the normal bars except for the fact that the pole dancers were male. The bar was overcrowded. As you don't expect to have many gay bars in a small town.

I bended over one of the counters. The person behind the counter greeted me with a cheesy smile.
" a beer ...." I said and turned to have a birds eye view of the surroundings. I scanned each and every corner but not a sign of Mathew. Strange!

" your drink" I turned to the voice "....I am Anthony" he introduced himself.
" hey Anthony.... " I wanted to confirm if there is any private chamber or anything like this".....are there secret rooms or booths or anything like this?".

" are you a cop....?" He doubted. The way he seemed extra careful, there must be something illegal going on in the bar. George too said something about the threat.

" no....!" I tried to convince him ".... actually..." I was struggling to find the reason to be there"....I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. So I came here to catch him red handed".

" young man....!" He stopped the cleaning of the counter and looked into my eyes "....I don't want any trouble in my bar. Solve your personal matters outside". He pointed the door I entered through.

Now he was really getting on my nerves. I clenched my fist tightly and gave him a fake smile" you need not to worry I won't cause any trouble" and assured him.

" there is no such place....." He seemed less convinced and loomed his eyes over the crowd "....he would be somewhere around here".

I excused myself from Anthony and stepped onto the crowded floor. The whole arena reeked of alcohol. Bumping into one or the other,I made my hap-hazardrous way to the other side of the crowd. There were bathrooms. Semi conscious people were making out with one another.

" nice ass!"A hand slapped my butt and I turned only to find that he was the same Asian guy whom I had seen with Mathew.

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