the turning point

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"Someone got a hickey" Mika teased pointing a finger at my neck.

" it's not what you think ".

" don't fool me.." She knitted her brows together "... You can't get off the hook this time" she warned " who is the girl?".

"Coffee..?" I tried to avoid her.

" answer me.."she demanded.

'What should I tell her that the hickey is from the person I supposed to hate.
Aren't these marks should belong to the person I love. No doubt I protested his advances but my body betrayed me. The way his touch made me feel I have never felt before. What does it mean.....!'

'Ahhmmm' clearing her throat she intimidated.

"It's Samuel...." I don't know what came over me but i was tired of the lies. I needed my friends to deal with the confusion I was in. But how the hell they are supposed to help me when I am not being honest with them. I looked at her,she was staring at me, mouth half opened. She made a few semi-audible sounds but no words came out of her mouth. A single tear sliding down from my cheek caught her attention. she lunged forward and hugged me uttering ' a series of sorry'.

" what's there to be sorry about... " I confusedly asked.

" I had no idea that Samuel is  assaulting you " she sobbed a sorry again.

" that's not what you think... " I replied. And told her about the dream I dreamt a few days back.

" oh my god...!" She said fright written on her face".... He damaged you completely. Even in dreams you are afraid of him".

And it irritated me as hell. She was getting everything wrong. What I was trying to tell her that ' I fucking like the way he touched me wether in dreams or reality.......'

" 'Holly hell !" horrified by the sudden  realisation of my own feelings I felt vulnerable and struggled to stand still.
Bending over the kitchen counter for support ,l indistintively mumbled" this can't be Possible".

Mika sighed a deep breath and walked to my side " everything is possible " she placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder.

" what... do... you mean? " I stuttered
and looked up.

" it's OK to fall in love with the most unlikely person of your life . After all either hate or love both needs the same amount of devotion".

" i didn't said I love him " I denied.
" I did not mentioned if the person is he or she" she arched her brows.

I was dumbfounded at her answer.
I didn't notice my own feelings. How can I be so naïve. Now I new my feelings to him ,how the hell am I supposed to face him. And What about dad ?

" if you don't feel like going to school... it's OK". You need  time to think about it" Mika affectionately advised.

Her phone vibrated. She picked up and excused herself. First time I saw her quietly listening to the person on other side of the line ,Otherwise most of the time, she won't give you a chance to complete your talk. she darted a few glances at me between her conversation.

' Are they talking about me?' It made me more self conscious. She disconnected the call and walked back to me.

" who was that?" I asked

"Linda " she casually replied " she wants to see me ".

" she ruined everything.... " I gritted"..... what the hell she wants now?"

"Hey....calm down" She reprimanded
" the ultimate result of her deed is positive".

"How can you say that...." I retorted "....coz of her the whole school thinks that Samuel and I am gay and we are a couple. How can these things be positive?".

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