Chapter 10: I lo-love you Laila

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It had been a busy day for Laila. After her morning class, she went straight to the cafe where she works. It is just one of the few jobs she has to support her studies and help out her parents.

It is one of those days when there aren't many people going by the cafe that she could take a breather. She was busy cleaning the counter when someone entered the cafe.

She heard a clear of the throat that made her turn around and gasped at the sight. It is a rare occurrence for Jeremy Malarkey to be seen in an average coffee place.

Though they both attend the same university, they never interact with one another as she is in the college of arts and is in the college of business. They only have one class together as she was granted to take an advanced class.

"I'll take one Iced Americano and what do most girls like to order?" he looked at her with an intense gaze that she felt intimidated.

Not only was this the first time he actually talked to her but also the first time she looked at him properly.

"They always go for the strawberry smoothie I guess?" Her response sounded more like a question. But Jeremy took no notice as he order it as well.

He took a seat at the table in front having the perfect view of Laila. It was his first time speaking to her. All he can do whenever they are at the university is steal a glance at her and watch from afar.

He doesn't even know what he is feeling toward her. He just can't take her off his mind. If Brian and the others were to find out about this he is sure they won't let it drop.

He watched as she made his drinks.

"Jeremy," he heard someone say his name. He looked up to see a girl he has never seen before.

He rolled his eyes knowing what she wants.

"It is a surprise you are here. I can't help noticing that we kept bumping on each other lately." By this time Laila was already watching the whole scene with an amused look on her face. She knows that the girl will confess because she overheard her talking with her friends.

"I guess what I want to say is that I've been having feelings for you and-" before she can even finish her sentence, Jeremy interrupted her.

"Feelings?" Jeremy scoffed. He looked at her from head to toe before giving a dissatisfied look. "Do you even know me? Because as far as I know, the only thing you know about me is that I'm filthy rich that would shower you with everything you whine about. If you think I'm that easy because you got the looks well I'm not. I would like it if you don't show your face in front of me ever again."

That was the most Laila had heard Jeremy utter a word and not just a few but a whole lot. The look on the girl's face was something Laila doesn't like seeing as the girl is on the verge of crying her heart out because a heartless guy had just broken it.

The girl left the cafe and her friends followed her out. Laila still couldn't believe what she just witnessed.

"A simple 'sorry but I'm not interested was okay. You don't have to break her heart like that." Laila said as she went and gave Jeremy his orders.

"She's not the first one and believes me that I know what they want from me." He simply answered.

"She could be different. Not all girls are after your money. And besides, fine let's say you've had enough with such experience but you don't have to be that harsh to her."

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