Chapter 22: Laila, just do as I say

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Laila POV

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. My eyes are stayed shut as I reach my hands around for my phone.

Unknowingly I grabbed the phone and with my eyes half open I swipe and answered the call.

"Dude! What took you so long to answer? You need to be here now!" A male voice said in the other line which got me confused.

"Sorry, I think you got the wrong number." I ended the call not bothering about the person who just called.

My head is pounding really hard and all I want right now is to get back to sleep. My bed seems different today but I didn't care as I keep my eyes shut and tried to continue the sleep that was interrupted. I turn around and position myself. There was a warmth that surrounds me. The warmth was all too familiar to me. I know I had felt it before.

Just then I felt an arm wrapped around me. I immediately opened my eyes, infront of me is Jer's naked chest.

"AAGGHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs which woke Jer up and as soon as he realize our position he went back up and I scrambled off the bed.

I looked at myself and took a deep breath when I saw that I'm wearing a white sweatshirt and a short. Then I look at Jer who only has a boxer on. Like a bulb that just lit, I suddenly realize that what I'm wearing is different from what I wore last night.

"What did you do?" I demanded at Jer. I put my arms over my body like I'm protecting it from him having a look. "Why am I wearing this?"

"You have clearly no idea about what happened?" My reaction must have sent warnings to him because he immediately waves his hands to stop me from thinking further. "Relax Laila. Nothing happened. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that."

"Then why am I wearing this?" My breathing starts to escalate. I looked around me, searching for nothing in particular just to comfort myself.

"Laila, nothing happened okay. I would never take advantage of you like that." Jer tried to calm me down.

"Then why are we both in the same bed?"

"You have really no idea? You were the one who sleepwalk in here." He explained but I still wasn't convinced. "Look, I'll make you something to calm you down."

Jer went and left me alone in his room. I sat at the edge of his bed trying to recall what happened the night before but all I can remember was that we were both at the party and were surrounded by reporters. Everything past that was a blur for me.  I think I have sat there for twenty minutes, long enough to calm my breathing and racing heart.

A phone rang and I realize it was the same phone earlier which wasn't mine. So the call I received was supposed to be for Jer. I pick up the phone at the same time it stopped ringing.

I slowly open the door and walk my way. Nothing change since the last time I was here. Just around the corner my mouth agape at the sight. Just like the last time, there were still pictures of the two of us. Everything is still in place. All the pictures hold thousands of memories. The wall is like a giant photo frame of us.

Why hadn't he gotten rid of it all? He's supposed to be mad for what happened and get rid of everything that will remind him of me.

"I need to go," I said as soon as I reached the kitchen and saw him preparing coffee.

"Laila, you need to have something first." He tries to reason with me.

"No, I need to go and so are you." I handed him his phone. He looked through it and his brows furrowed as he saw the messages and missed calls. He then probably replied to it as I saw him typing away and sighing.

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