Chap 2- the other side

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Theo's POV

I'm amazing. I know it. Everyone knows it. I'm good at everything, especially girls

School sucks. It absolutely sucks. I know it. Everyone knows it.

The only good thing are the girls that go here.

"Heeyyyyy Theo"

"Becca! Pleasure as always" I say, rolling my eyes

"The pleasure is mine" she replies looking up and down my body

"Obviously! I mean I am the one with the talent and all the popularity anyone could ever want."

"And the abs"

"Yes the abs too"

We laugh simultaneously

Suddenly I see this girl come in through the doors of the school. She's gorgeous. And that's saying something. Normally I just say they r hot, but she's beautiful not hot. She's like no girl I've ever seen before. She must be new here, I've never seen her before.


"What." I say quickly looking back at Becca


I look back at the mystery girl. My feet start to move towards her

"Theo where are you going?" Becca shouts


"Um hi" she says with that confused look you get when a stranger says hi

"I'm Theo. The best guy you'll ever find around here. I'm numero uno"

"I'm Ella, Ella Grey."

"Interesting" I say scanning her

"I can assure you I'm not" she replied looking down at her feet

"I doubt that"

I give her a wink

"Right. Well I'd better get to class"

"Yeah of course! Nice to meet" but she had already gone.

I need to know who she is.

Hey guys please keep reading on, I promise the story gets better, because it's my first time writing so for this first bit, it might not be the best!

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