Chap 33 - happy endings

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Theo's POV


"Yes Theo, really"

"Don't  ever do that again"

"I won't, I promise. But don't you ever leave me either"

"I wouldn't think of it"

One moment

One moment in a person's life is all it takes

One moment where everything is ok

One moment

Is all it took for silence to fall, and two pairs of eyes to meet

One moment

Where skin brushes against skin

One moment

Where lips meet, and dreams are shared

One moment

Just one

That every one in the world needs

It's the closest thing you get to pure happiness

For me this isn't close to pure happiness

This is beyond it

Her lips on mine, mine on hers

Two souls reaching out to each other and touching and never letting go

I love her

With all my heart

But you see

Happy endings

They don't always exist.

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