Chap 27 - Who are you really?

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Theo's POV


The first thing he does is laugh

"Look the sluts lover has come for her"

I look over at Ella and see and see the hurt through her eyes

And it makes me livid


"Who me?" He says with a smile on his face and his hand over his heart


"What are you going to do, punch me? I bet you're as weak as she is"

"You ever heard the name Theo Black"

His face drains of colour

"N,no you can't be"

Now It is my turn to smile

"Oh but I am"

"You're so young to be such a ruthless gang leader"

"And that's why I run the top gang in the World"

He gets down onto his knees

"Please I'm sorry, I've done nothing , I don't get why you want her, there are so many prettier girls out there she's worthless and useless and so very stu.." BANG

Ella screams

I rush over to her

"Hey, hey it's ok, you're safe now" I say gently rocking her in my arms

"Who are you really Theo?" She asks with tears streaming down her face

"A cold hearted gang leader who has fallen in love with a girl who doesn't know how much she is worth to me." I say

Damn so he reveals he's in love with someone and we know it's her but does she know it? Ooooooooo! Keep reading or find out!!

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