Chalter 32 - all alright

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Ella's POV


My friend

It's all I know

It's all I can see

But hope

It still exists

Like a light trying to guide me to the place I'm meant to be

But fate

Fate has a different idea than me

I can hear crying, I don't know who it is crying,but someone is crying. This person hasn't left my side the whole time I've been here.


Where exactly is here?

Who is this person and why do they care so much about me to sit with me and even cry.

Who am I kidding, no one really cares about me.....

Even when I care about them.


The first person that comes to mind is Theo.

With his kind eyes and his glorious smile. Theo. Simply Theo.

"Why Ella"





Why can't he here me?


I can't speak and he can't hear me. I can't open my eyes, I can't move. What's happened to me?

"Why Ella, why, I keep asking myself why you would do this, and I haven't been able to come up with any answer, not one. Don't you see Ella, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU!" I shout with tears streaming down my face. My body s shaking with both anger and sadness. "DON'T YOU KNOW, THAT EVERY SECOND I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU, ABOUT HOW TO ASK YOU THE SIMPLEST THINGS, HOW TO EVEN TALK TO YOU BECAUSE I'M SCARED THAT I'LL MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF, BECAUSE YOU MAKE ME NERVOUS, AND I'VE NEVER BEEN NERVOUS AROUND ANYONE, EVER, I'VE NEVER CRIED, I'VE NEVER LOVED." I calm down a bit. "And then you come along and change it all, you open up my heart and my mind and you make me see clearly. I didn't believe in soulmates and now I do. Because I know I'm yours and your mine. And there is nothing that you can do that will ever make me stop loving you. I love you Ella, I love you with every fibre on my being, I love you with everything I have, I love you with my heart and my soul. I love you."

Suddenly I can see a light and feel a warmth. It spreads throughout my body tingling through every vein. A surge of energy bursts through me and I open my eyes.

"I love you too Theo" I say

And everything all alright again

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