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The same nightmare, replaying in my head over and over again until my sanity breaks.

I shot up with a gasp, panting heavily. I pulled at my locks trying to forget the images my mind keeps replaying but nothing seems to work. I feel a slight built up of watery tears in my eyes and I try to contain them. "It wasn't real, it wasn't real." I muttered to myself over and over.

Barely illuminated by the night's moonlight, Kayden's broad figure loomed over mine. "Hey, what's wrong?" He said groggily, voice thick with sleep.

"Nightmare," I rasped, trying to hold back a gag at the threatening thoughts that evaded my mind. His thick arms wrapped around me and pulled my body to his chest with a growl.

"I'm here Charlotte, those sick bastards can't get you now." He said menacingly as a reassurance. I relaxed in his hold but couldn't help but feel the familiar sense of sadness seep into my bones.

"It never stops," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Kayden took sense of my unnerved state and gently soothed me back to sleep. He rubbed soothing circles along my arms and held me firmly. My breathing finally slowed and I was able to slip back into unconsciousness.


"How are you feeling?" He asked as I sipped on my coffee. I stiffened slightly but relaxed once again as his hand slipped into mine.

"Much better," I despised having nightmares. They made me feel weak and there is absolutely nothing I could do to help myself. I'm still a bit shaken up by it but I've tried so hard to not think about it. So far, it's kind of working.

"Good," He said, kissing my temple, "I want you sleeping in my room from now on." My neck snapped to the right. I was not expecting that. Well I mean, I've been sleeping in there almost every night already. But to me it still feels like a big step for us.

He instantly notices my unnerved state, "Relax," He soothed, "I just don't want you to be alone if it happens again." He said calmly. I nodded my head and sighed.

"Could I make it my art studio?" I asked, hopeful.

"Anything for you, love."


"It's decided!" Katherine exclaimed, "In two weeks Charlotte will officially be our Luna." She announced to everyone in the room.

Sadly, Isaac had to leave. I mean he has a family to take care of. But he did say that he'll be back for the ceremony, and he's bringing his kids! I'm extremely nervous, what if something goes wrong? Well I don't think Katherine would ever let that happen.

Soon, Kayden pulled me aside and I almost gasped in shock. I wasn't expecting him to even be here right now. Once we were somewhat out of earshot he asked, "Are you gonna be alright?" I gave him an odd look.

"Why wouldn't I be? Your mom is great, I don't mind." I said assuringly. He's been a bit tense lately and I can't help but feel guilty. Sometimes I feel he just needs to take a day off and relax. These Alpha duties are really getting to him.

"I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay. I don't want this all to stress you out. If you're feeling rushed just tell me and I can tell my mom to lay of a bit." I sighed at his response.

"Kayden you really need to stop worrying about me. If anything I should be the one freaking out over you! You do a lot of hard work which makes mine look like nothing in comparison. I just wish you could think about yourself for once and relax."

Kayden stayed quiet after I said that and his eyes glowed in emotion, "You are so amazing." He muttered as he pulled my body flush against his. He ran a hand through my hair and wrapped his arms around my waist, burning his face into my neck.

"You smell really good today." He added and I blushed, mumbling an embarrassed thank you. His lips grazed my mark and my knees almost buckled. The sparks we feel now are much more prominent than they were before, everything has become so intensified.

"As long as I have you I'm perfectly fine." I said as my fingers weaved through his hair, enjoying the soft feeling. He pulled his bead back slightly and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Are you still tired?" He asked as he ran his thumb gently underneath my eyes. They were still dark but the coffee from this morning is helping, sort of.

"A little, but it's nothing I can't handle."I said truthfully.

"Okay well try to get some rest." He said softly, "I have a few important meetings today so I'll be back later tonight." I nodded my head in response. He usually goes to meetings often so there's nothing I can really do about it.

"Okay, but I am going to borrow another sweatshirt if I decide to take a nap." I said cheekily giving him a small smile. He grinned at me, shaking his head. Once we both pulled away I immediately missed his warmth and pouted my lip.

Chuckling amusedly, Kayden gave me a kiss on the cheek then turned around to leave the house. I sighed and decided to go upstairs and take him up on that offer. I really did need some rest.

Passing through the kitchen a few warriors gave me a funny look and I gave them one in return. What was that for? I thought to myself. Right now Adrianna was being surprisingly quiet and I'm not too sure why.

Shrugging it off I went upstairs to go lay down in Kayden's room. He must've forgotten to turn in the AC before he left because it felt a bit stuffy in there. I grabbed one of his tee shirts instead of his hoodies to sleep in and crawled into his--I mean our--bed.

Quickly, in my fatigued state, I was able to fall asleep quite quickly.

I woke up with a start. I was burning up all over and my skin was hot and sweaty.

You forgot to turn on the AC, asshole. I mind linked to Kayden.

What are you talking about? I turned it on this morning. He replied instantly.

Well it's hot as shi-- I didn't get to finish that thought before a wave of pain hit me full force. My stomach cramped and I groaned, clutching it.

Charlotte? What the fuck just happened. Is someone there? I felt pain through the link. He said but I couldn't think straight enough to reply. My whole body felt like it was on fire, flames licking my skin.

"Alice!" I screamed in agony, and within a minute she came barging into the room. She took one whiff of the air and her eyes widened to an alarming size.

"Holy shit you're in heat!"

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