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Hey guys! I know probably none of you care but I was looking for feedback on one of my covers. The video is above, comment what you think!  I wrote it myself don't @ me if you hate it ;) -AJ

"See? Told you I'm good at this." I teased my brother, throwing a fireball at him. He easily distinguished it midair and threw it back at me, narrowly missing my shoulder. "Dick," I muttered.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Charlie, if you want to be able to defend yourself as an Ultimate, you've got to focus better." He reminded me. "Go make yourself a chair." He said.


"You heard me," He said, "Make yourself a chair." Isaac repeated, making me groan once again. I raised my right hand and took a deep breath, trying to focus on my energy. I imagined a seat made of dirt and grass in my head and next thing I know, it was right in front of me. The ground moved and shaped itself into a chair.

"Now make a protection shield for yourself." He added, catching me off guard.

"I can't do that, I'm only allowed to use the elements, isn't that the point of being an elemental?" I asked frustratedly. We've been training together all day and I'm already tired of my brother.

"You're the Ultimate, you can do a lot more than just make water move Charlie." He said in a know-it-all tone, only angering me further.

"Okay that's it, I'm done for the day. The sun's about to set!" I pointed out.

"No, you have to learn this skill, it's important." He insisted.

Finally snapping I shouted, "I've done nothing but work my ass off for the last three weeks! Can you please just give me a break?" I quipped more annoyed than ever. Suddenly, Isaac was surrounded by a ring of fire, preventing him from getting any closer.

"See? You need to learn how to protect and calm yourself so your emotions can't get the best of you." He said calmly, spraying down the burning flames with a quick lift of his palm.

Walking away I realized how draining this all was for my body. Adri and I were both exhausted, I guess Isaac isn't the head warrior for nothing. He really knows how to train, both physical and mental skills.

"How was training?" Kayden asked with a raised eyebrow once I made it back to the pack house. He was leaning against the doorframe and all I wanted to do was to fall asleep with him.

"I'm so tired," I drawled, slumping my head against his chest once I reached him. I inhaled his familiar scent, sighing in content.

Kayden smoothed my hair down, resting his chin on my head. "Well you are having the head warrior train you," He chuckled, "But why aren't you sweaty?" He asked in confusion, pulling away from me.

"It was more mental strength today I guess but I'm still tired." I said, kind of telling the truth--well, more like stretching it.

"Hmm," He said kissing my forehead, "I don't doubt that, your brother's a hardass." He joked, ruffling my once smooth hair.

"You're telling me," I grumbled, trudging my way upstairs tiredly. Kayden stayed downstairs a bit to make us dinner so I could shower up. One I reached our room I extended my palm and shut the door with a gust of wind.

I froze up quickly after, "I really shouldn't be doing that around here." I muttered to myself.

I stepped into the already hot stream of shower, my muscles instantly relaxing at the contact against my skin. Sighing in relief, I began to massage Kayden's best smelling shampoo into my scalp and hair. Once it was all rinsed out, I realized our conditioner was on the higher shelf in the shower.

"Son of a--wait." I stopped myself from reaching. Taking Isaacs words earlier earlier and implanting them in my mind, I wondered what other skills I had as the Ultimate. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated my energy per usual and next thing you know, the bottle of condition just happens to slide into my hands perfectly.

"That is so, fucking, cool."

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