Chapter 28

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Jimin's POV

I blinked my eyes open and sat up on my bed. I stretched my body and let out a tired yawn. I let out a sigh before I forced myself up from the bed.

I took my towel and headed to the bathroom. I took off all of my clothes, leaving myself naked before I stepped into the shower. I turned on the shower tap and let the water run along my tired body.

I cleaned my body with the bath shampoo and washed it off once I'm done. I let the water ran along my body for awhile before I turned off the shower tap. I took my towel and wiped my body clean. Then, I wrapped the towel around my waist before standing in front of the sink.

I grabbed my toothbrush and pinched some toothpaste on it before proceeding on brushing my teeth. After that, I rinsed my mouth and washed my toothbrush. I continued on with washing my face by splashing the water onto my face. I pinched a little of my facial cleanser before rubbing it in between my palm, creating some foams. I rubbed it all over my face before washed it off.

I wiped off my face and stared on my own reflection at the mirror. I looked into my own eyes, studying my ownself before I let out a sigh. This is terrible.

It has been a month since everything happened. It also has been a month since I tried to veil myself from showing everyone the pain I was trying to overcome.

Nothing is easy to me. I had to wake up every morning without her beside me, putting on the best smile I have on my face so that no one could see how vulnerable I am. I had to keep my mind busy from every thought that would hurt me more.

What's worst? I had to sleep every night without her beside me, accompanied by the thoughts of her that never failed to make me tear up all night. I miss her so much, but I can't do anything about it.

I shrugged off the thought of it from my head and quickly walked out from the bathroom. I closed the door and headed to the closet to choose an outfit to wear today. I took out my soft blue jeans and orange sweatshirt, wearing it right after I wear my boxer.

I wiped my wet hair with the towel and blow-dry it using the hair dryer. I ruffled my hair with my fingers while I blow-drying it. I looked at my own reflection on the mirror before I let out a sigh.

I keep the hair dryer into the drawer after my hair has completely dry. I almost hate everything I do in my life. More like hating my life. Why? Because everything I do is always reminding me of her. I can't have a day to live in peace. It's hurting.

I ruffled my hair messy before heading to the door to walk out from the room. I held onto the doorknob, taking a deep breath before putting on the best smile I have. I twisted the doorknob and opened the door, getting out from the room.

"Good morning!" I greeted Tae and Hani as I walked out from the room.

"Good morning, Chim Chim" Tae beamed as he smiled at me.

I walked to the table and sat opposite from Tae. I looked at Hani and peaked on what she was doing from a far.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked her as she walked out from the kitchen.

She flashed me a smile before putting down a plate full of toasts. I sent her an are-you-serious look and she winked at me.

"Again?" I asked her in disbelief.

"You stay here so just eat it. If you refuse, why don't you go back to your apartment and stay with Jungkook and Jenny?" She replied, looking down at me.

I looked away, "Okay, fine. I'll just eat".

I took a toast and spreaded some strawberry jams on it. I eat it without saying anything and munched on it.

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