Chapter Eighteen

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Junie's POV

Me and Kaylah talk for a while before she says she is thirsty.

"You don't have to come with me but where are the cups?" She asks and I tell her where the cups are.

"Okay." She says and goes downstairs.

Suddenly, I hear Yoongi open the bathroom door after taking a shower.

He then walks in -shirtless- and says, "I'm heading to bed. Good night."

"Wait. Before you go to bed can you get me a cup of water since you're up?"

"Sure..." He says and leaves.

I smirk and wait for Kaylah.

Yoongi's POV

I walk downstairs to see the kitchen light is on.


I then walk in the kitchen to see Kaylah.

Oh gosh.

I observe what she is wearing...

Short shorts and a white tank top... Why must life be this way?

I gulp and head to the cabinet where the cups, and Kaylah, are and reach out to get two since I see she is struggling to reach.

She then looks back at me with wide eyes and scans downward and looks back up immediately.

This is when I realize... I'm shirtless...

"T-thank you..." She says with a cute stutter.

"You're welcome..." I say back, knowing I'm blushing so I look down.

I then fill one cup with water before handing it to Kaylah and then filling the other.

"Can you take this on up to Junie... She said she's thirsty..." I say awkwardly.

She just nods and heads upstairs.

Why do I have to be so awkward...

Junie's POV

Kaylah finally walks in the room with two glasses of water and wide eyes and closes the door.

I start to laugh.

"Are you serious!? Why did you do that!?" She says, embarrassed.

"Hehe. You are too awkward around him." I say.

"And you think sending him into the same room with me while he is shirtless is gonna make it better!?" she says, still embarrassed.

My phone then buzzes and I check it.

U are evil...

Hah! U know u love me😘

Shut up. Good night...

Good night😂😘

"Ugh. That was so embarrassing..." Kaylah mumbles to herself.

"Don't worry..." I say. "Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow we should do something fun."

"Okay." She agrees and we turn off the light and go to sleep.

~~The morning~~

We wake up and I smell food.

I get up instantly because food is life.


Then I shake Kaylah and she wakes up as well.

She then notices the smell and we both get up instantly, change and run downstairs. (Accurate)

Turns out, Yoongi was cooking.

"Good morning." He says, noticing us run in.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning, Yoongi." Kaylah says quietly.

He then turns around and sets down three plates.

We then all start eating.

"Hey, Yoongi. We were thinking about doing something fun today since it's Saturday. Any ideas?" I ask.

"How about amusement park?" He suggests

"Yeah!" I say. "You good with that, Kaylah?" I turn.

"Yeah, sounds fun!" She smiles.

"I'll come with you guys so you don't get kidnapped..." Yoongi says glaring at me.

I blush and look down 'cause I know its almost happened twice now.

"Okay." I say and we all go and get ready.

Once ready, we take a bus to the amusement park.

When we arrive, Yoongi pulls out his wallet and pays for our three tickets.

"Aww. That was sweet of you. You didn't have to pay for mine." Kaylah smiles.

"But I wanted to..." Yoongi blushes.

Oh my gosh they are so freaking adorable.

We then walk around and ride rides.

Then suddenly, Kaylah looks to Yoongi with really wide eyes. I look down and see something I did not expect.

A/N: sorry specialkk0901 ik u wanna know what happens next but u have to wait until tomorrow😃

Love ya!😂😂

Until next time...✌

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