Chapter Twenty Three

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Junie's POV

Once we got home from school, I got all of my stuff packed so that I could go to the guys' house. Yoongi said that he would rent a car to take our luggage.

"Hey, Yoongi can I head over to the guy's house?" I ask.

"I guess... But let me walk you there cause... Ya know... The alley..."

"I can go by myself, I'll be fine."

"Ugh. Okay. At least let me walk you through the alley and you can go the rest of the way yourself." He agrees.

We then leave the house and walk through the alley. There was a guy that was looking at me... And then Yoongi glares at him and then scratches his neck symbolizing that he would die if he tries anything.

Then, once we are outside of the alley, Yoongi leaves me.

"Be careful, okay?" He says.

"I will." I chuckle.

I keep walking to the guys' house and enjoy the scenery.

The light breeze was really nice and the flowers outside smelled really nice.

It was so nice, I almost forgot that my abusive father is coming after me...

I got to the street which contained the house and walk to the direction in which the house is.

Then, I happily start to walk across the street.

Then, suddenly, I hear a screeching of tires and felt a great impact hit me.

I try to scream but I'm not sure if the sound was loud enough to be comprehendible.

The pain was so bad, my whole body was numb.

I couldn't hear anything but ringing in my ears.

My sight was all blurry.

I feel a wet feeling on my head.

I slowly lift my hand as well as I could to reach my head and look to see what the wetness was.

I sure enough knew what it was beforehand though.

It was a dark red substance that covered my whole hand.

I then feel someones arms and before I could see who it was, I don't see anything but darkness...

Third Person POV

The girl walks happily across the road without looking both ways which she would soon see was a mistake.

The driver of the car that was going down the road then sees the girl and tries to stop the car but couldn't in time.

The boys in the house directly in front of the road that the accident took place in heard the screeching tires.

All of them shrugged it off, but one boy in particular looked out the window to please his curiosity.

But he was anything but pleased at the sight he saw in front of his home.

He sees a car, stopped in the middle of the road.

He sees broken glass, scattered throughout the road.

He sees blood on the front of the frozen car.

And lastly, he sees a close friend, the person he loves.

But she wasn't in the car.

Nor was she standing there witnessing the sight before his very own eyes.


She was the body that provided the blood on the hood of the car.

She was the laying body.

She was the one who was in a life or death situation.

It was as if time had stopped for the boy.

Then, it went all too fast.

A/N: heh


I know it's really cliché...

But I thought it was a good idea.

So did a million other wattpad writers tho...


Until next time...✌

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