Chapter Thirty One

30 4 14

This pic is too adorable (♥ω♥)

Junie's POV

After lunch is over, we go back to class for nothing interesting to happen.

Then, after school is over, me and the guys start walking home all together.

Suddenly, I feel someone touch my shoulder and I screech.(legit me)

I turn around to see Bambam.

"Hey babe!" He says energetically.

"Hi!" I smile.

He then gets in between me and Yoongi as my brother glares and whispers in my ear.

"How about you come over to my house. No one is home so it'll just be us two." He winks.

I flush and smack his arm.

"Is there a problem?" Jimin asks with clenched teeth as he's on my other side.

"No, he was just joking around. Nothing's wrong." I say.

"Yeah." He Bambam smiles.

He then whispers in my ear again.

"But really, you should come over to my house with me and my friends."

I sigh.

"Okay." I begin. "I'm gonna go with Bambam guys!"

Jimin and Yoongi both glare at Bambam making him freeze with wide eyes and awkwardly chuckle.

"Okay. Bye guys..." Bambam says as he pulls me the other way.

"So why did you want me to come over to your house?" I ask.

"Do I really have to have a reason for wanting to spend time with my beautiful princess?" He asks in an overly dramatic voice.

I laugh.

"I would say so, my prince." I curtsey as i say.

Then I feel a sudden pain in my head.

I stop and hold onto my forehead as I squint my eyes tightly.

"What's wrong babe?" Bambam stops and grabs my arm with a worried look on his face.

"I-I don't know." I shake my head softly as I try to ignore the voice I heard in my head before.

I can't always be your knight in shining armor, princess.

This is my desk, princess.

But I can't be your Knight in Shining Armor anymore. It's too much work.

Didn't I tell you I can't be your knight in shining armor anymore?

Who was that?

"Lets get to my house..." Bambam says softly.

I nod and start to walk but I can't walk well because of the pain in my head.

"Get on my back." Bambam leans down in front of me.

I do as I was told and he walks us to his house.

Once we arrive, the pain is gone and he takes me up to his room.

He sits down on his bed and then pats the spot next to him telling me to sit down next to him.

"Actually, I kinda need to use the bathroom..." I look down, embarrassed.

"Oh okay." He gets up and shows me to the bathroom.

I go in and do my business.

I then wash my hands obviously ya nasties.

My Hero, Kim Taehyung ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora