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"We're have you been. I want a report of everything that happened well you were out and I expect them all to have a damn good explanation to why you where three hours late." Batman growled as soon as the Team came through the zeta tube.

"Wait Batman I can explain" NightWing said trying to calm his father down. "We were in Gotham and there was this kid and he got jumped by this gang because apparently he's been stealing there product to stop them from selling it to kids and he normally can get away with it but this time he got caught so he ran but they caught up to him and started beating him. Then we came by and got them to leave him alone but he was already unconscious and bleeding so we took him to a safe house and started patching him up and when he woke up he told us how he didn't think he would ever be adopted and how the owner of the orphanage was abusive but he told us that it was ok because he would rather him get beat them the younger kids. But when we got to the house this big guy came out and hit him and yelled at him for causing him trouble but when he went inside he started taking care of this younger kid so we left but I don't know if we should have stayed"

"Very well all of you hit the showers, I will look into this. What orphanage did he say he went to?" Batman asked the young vigilanties.

"Annie Marie's Orphanage" Artemis said before walking towards the showers

Batman put a hand of nightwings shoulder and said," You did good. I'm proud of you" Dicks only answer was a smile before he hurried off to the showers with his team.

"Hey Nightwing are you going to stay or heading back to Gotham" Kid flash said as he dried off his hair.

"I think I'm heading back to Gotham, Red Robin might need help with homework and I have to make sure Red Hood doesn't get to drunk" Dick said putting on his civilian clothing

"Good luck my friend" Aqualad said patting Dick on the shoulder

"Thanks I'm going to need it" Dick said with a small smile before walking out of the shower

In the Meeting Room

"Hey Bat's I'm heading back you coming" Dick said as he poked

"Not now you head out and make sure your brother gets some sleep"

"You got it boss" Dick said waving goodbye

"You got a good kid there Bruce" Superman said patting his friend on the back.

"Wait till he runs out of cereal"

At The Manor

"HONEY I'M HOME" Dick yelled receiving multiple groans and a few choice words from Jason.

"Hey Dick can you help me with my homework" Tim asked in a quiet voice.

"Sure thing little red just let me change" he responded with his usual smile plastered across his face.

"Thanks Dick and take your time it's not due tomorrow"

And with that he walked to his room and turned on the evening news to she if Gordon found anything about the resent murder on 6th street, but he instead found a management story about the over run orphanages littering the city. The news anchor made a poorly timed joke that just made Dick cringe. After the forceful laughs the other anchors gave the man In the blue tie gave more details about how the crime had sprung out of control and leaving too many children without parents to care for them so there being put into the system in a hope to find a better home. Which he quickly followed by a scripted message asking eligible family to think about foster care in hope of shining some light on their dark city. Most over looked his comment and started to ask why Batman wasn't doing anything about the uprising crime lord. But by then Dick zoned out and started thinking about the kid they had met earlier that day and how a major crime boss would not put up with so annoying kid trying to make a difference. The thought scared him knowing that chances are that Damian would try and mix up a shipment as soon as he could.

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