Meeting the Family

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When Damian woke up he was surrounded by ten masked hero's and a butler. They were all yelling at each other for various reasons. Red Hood and Red Robin were arguing about the proper way to punch a thug unconscious while Spoiler and Orphan watched amusingly. Batwing, Batgirl and Batwomen stood over a computer quietly discussing a case. Nightwing was standing in front of a very angry looking Batman. Damian assumed that he was the cause. He look to his right to see Signal talking to a older man holding medical supplies.

"Um is it always like this" Damian asked causing the Signal to jump at the sound but the caretaker simply turned

"I'm afraid so Master Damian"

"How do you know my name" Damian said quite confused

"Master Nightwing has informed all of us of your prior confrontation as well as any further information he had collected"

"Right" Damian said slowly as he noticed the everyone in the cave was starring at him. And take it from him that's not a pleasant position to be in.

"He awakens" Spoiler shouts running over to the bed to get a front row seat.

"Your leg will be fine but we did have to put some stitches in" Batman grunted without looking at Damian.

"Uhh ok um thank you to who did that" Damian stuttered "um how long was I out?"

"14 hours young sir and I would be the one to treat you" Agent A stated.

"Wait 14 hours I have to get to school" Damian said urgently.

"We called your school they think you visiting family" Batgirl tried to reassure him .

"I'm an orphan what family would I be visiting" Damian shouted

"Alright we might have looked past that but I'm sure they'll understand" Red Robin chimed in

"Yeah sure cause there so good at that" Damian sarcastically agreed

"Look kid your not going anywhere until we say so" Red Hood glared. Damian would have been having the time of his life if he wasn't so freaked out about everything.

"But I"

"It doesn't matter" Nightwing said "Hoods right you need debriefed and your leg isn't ready to be walked on"

Damian was about to argue but decided  against it

"Fine but one of you are explaining where I've been to Gabe"

"Gabe?" Orphan questioned

"Owner of the orphanage" Nightwing answered with a darker tone than before surprising Damian as well as confusing him to the point his head hurt or that was from him hitting it agents a wall.

"So what now if I'm not aloud to leave?" Damian asked not sure if he would get an answer.

"We can't just leave him here"

"I don't care what you do but he's not my problem"

"Wow real responsible Hood"

"Don't see you doing anything replacement"

"Are you serious I"

"Both of you shut it" Nightwing yelled, "I brought him here I'll stay and debrief him"

"I'm good with that"

"Anyone hungry. I'm hungry. Pizza?"

"Im not paying"

The shouts ended after the group of bats left Damian's view leaving him with the black and blue hero and a butler.

"I expect you know when to change his bandages Master Nightwing"

"Wait Master? Are you there slave or something" Damian shouted

"By no means young sir"

"I've got this A" Nightwing shooed the trusted elder away. "Can you lift your leg for me" he asked with a gentle smile

"Yeah I thi... Ahh" Damian jolted. He had tried to move his leg but was met with a shooting pain running up his leg.

"Your adrenalines probably worn off. I'll give you something to dull the pain" the hero said jumping up to the small cabinet area the Butler was just standing by. "Do needles bother you? I know some people freak out about them and I think we can both agree we've had enough scares for at least a week" he rambled on.

"why did you save me" Damian asked so quietly Dick almost didn't hear the heart wrenching words. "and not just this time, you could have just left me in that alley. no one would notice in another orphan didn't make it home. it's not like gabe would care."

It broke his heart to hear the sad confusion in his voice. Dick slowly sat down and grabbed the boys hand rubbing small circles in the back of it. "Because you needed help, and I would never leave you there injured just because you are an orphan. Actually must of us bats were orphans at some point, but that doesn't lower are value. So it doesn't lower yours either."

"Thank you for everything" Damian smiled softly as he leaned forward pulling the hero in to a hug that was cut short by a quick flinch.

"Medicine! I totally forgot" Nightwing sat up grabbing a syringe from the nearby table. "Your good with needles?"

"Yeah I'm good with them"Damian answered without making eye contact. "God, I should be losing my FREAKING mind right now. I am sitting in the literal Batcave and Batman was just 10 ft away and I somehow didn't scream."

"What Nightwing giving you pain meds isn't enough," Dick chuckled as he pulled the needle out and disposed of it.

"So who's your favorite Superhero?"

"What?" Damian questioned.

"You know favorite Superhero. Mines Superman is a bit of a cliche but I'm a sucker for the classic's," Dick excitedly exclaimed. "So who's your favorite Superhero."

"Um I've always thought the Flash was cool" Damian shrugged looking at the shocked hero as he dramatically put his hand on his chest and signed.

"And not the amazing and hot Nightwing who is clearly the best Superhero and should definitely be everyone's favorite." Making Damian burst out laughing causing Dick to stop and stare at the bright smile he wish never went away. It took a minute for Damian to compose himself but once he did Dick continued the conversation. "Why The Flash?"

"Oh I guess I love the idea to be fast enough to go anywhere in the world in an instant. Plus the physics that allow him to do it and insane," Damian explained.

"Your into Physics?"

"Yeah I like science, math and most of school, but I'm sort of a nerd"

"I think it's pretty cool, at least the parts I can understand" Dick laughed, "Actually you and Red Robin would get along well. His like stupidly smart."

The day quickly changed to night as they switch subject from favorite color to Area 51 conspiracies.

"Shoot I need to change your bandages" the hero in sweats and a T-shirt shot up mumbling about A being mad as he grabbed Ace Bandages from the cabinet, "I'm going to have to move your leg to change them" Dick said sincerely.

Feeling the phantom pain he felt earlier Damian asked, "Will it hurt?"

"The meds should help but I can't Promise it won't" Dick said rubbing circles in him hand. So Damian held his breath as Dick quickly replaced the bandages assisting Damians healing. As he got closer to the skin Damian grew tenser but never let out more than a hiss. Dick sighed as he through-out the old bandages and even though Damian couldn't see his eyes through the mask he kept on he knew his eyes held pitty.

"Geez you didn't even give him a change of clothes," Red Hood interrupted the somber moment as he walked down the stairs carrying a change of clothes and a tray that held to plated full of what every meal they were having upstairs.

"I completely forgot thanks Hood" Dick chuckled as he took the clothes and tray setting them on the cot. "You heading of Red?"

"Yeah getting a bit crowded up there" the vigilante shrugged as he put on his helmet and pulled out of the cave of his bike. Dick sighed and turned back towards the med bay to see Damian struggling to change his clothes.
"Here let me help."

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