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Dick and Wally we're eating meatballs at IKEA on a Saturday morning. Well Wally better known to the public as Kid Flash was eating meatballs, while Dick tried to think about what color Damian would like in his room.

"Dick you own the apartment" Wally said breaking Dicks overwhelming and repeating thoughts, "just grab some basic stuff then the two of you can bond over decorating" 

"But what if it's not enough and his first impression is that I didn't put thought into his room because I don't actually care"

"DICK" Wally yelled grabbing just about everyone in the food court's attention, "you saw the place he has been staying. Anything is better than that and your going to tell him how he can help with the decor once your both settled. He's not going to hate you"

"I know" Dick said with a slightly pout, "actually I saw a gray bedroom set at the front it seemed to have everything and it would go with just about color"

"Sounds perfect" Wally mumbled as he stuffed his face with Dicks untouched meat balls

The two continued to walk around the store after placing and order for the bedroom set grabbing a few other necessary house items. The ride back to Dicks new apartment was quiet other then the soft sound of music coming from the radio until Wally spoke up, If you need help with anything you know you can ask me right even if it's getting groceries you know I'll do it right."

"Thanks Wally I'm lucky to have such a great friend like you around" Dick said in his joyful tone in able to hear Wally quietly mumble, "yeah friend"

"Actually if you want you can help me put all of this together before the adoption services come to talk with me" Dick continued.

"Yeah of course when are you set to actually talk the kid in"

"Well tomorrow I'm being questioned to see if I'm even allowed to adopt him but if I get the green light I'm going to go ask him on Monday. If he's willing I'd like to take him then or at least the day after" Dick smiled as he drove down the side streets just a little faster, "I won't know when I can sign the official documents till tomorrow but I'll let you know a soon as I know."

"I know you will" Wally laughed as they got out of the car "then you'll tell Conner and Artemis and M'gann and"

"Ok ok I get it" Dick yelled hitting his best friend on the head, "now are you going to help me with this stuff or not." The two of them quickly finish putting together the new furniture that they had and moved it into the appropriate rooms. Then ordering pizza in celebration.

Dick woke up at 4am in anticipation. He had 4 hours until the child services person came to see his living conditions along with ten different cases and a mess of relationship problems. He knew that the two hours of sleep he had gotten after patrol weren't going to cut it. Nevertheless he was wide awake cleaning his brand new apartment again. He almost wasn't surprised when his phone began to ring and the caller ID was B DAD.

"Hey Bruce everything alright" Dick answered the phone expecting the worse.

"Yeah other than you pacing your apartment at 4:27 in the morning"

"Do I even want to know how you know that" Chuckling Dick let out a sigh "were you ever this nervous?"

"Every single time" the line went quiet for some time until Bruce spoke up, "Dick I will support everything you do to the best of my abilities but you do know how big of a change this is going to be. If it gets to much you can't just back out"

"I know Bruce and I won't back out on him I can't"

"I believe son I believe you. I'm here if you need anything I'm more than willing to help"

"I know dad"

"Dick..." Bruce's voice seemed to waver.


"... your going to be a great dad"

"Thanks B"

"Now get some sleep that's an order"

"Sir yes sir" Dick let out a laugh as he hung up feeling much better.

Bruce however was pale as he sat in his office chair fiddling with a metal puzzle he kept in his desk.

"I take it you didn't tell him Master Bruce"

"No not now not until he's signed the papers I don't want this stopping him"

"Your doing the right thing Bruce" his oldest friend laid a hand on his shoulder, "you'll still be in his life, both of theirs"

"Alfred the boys mother"

"She made her choice, now I suggest a cup of tea and an actual nights rest"

"Alright Alfred you win" Chuckling Bruce made his way upstate to his made bed with a slightly lighter Conscience.

Sitting at the kitchen counter while the older lady in a pin skirt walked around his apartment with hawk eyes was somehow not as bad as Dick imagined. He hid his suit in his closet floor under a box of old books to keep that part of his life hidden.

"Furnitures a bit lacking"

"Uh I didn't want to force him into a room with stuff I don't know if he'd like so I kept to the basics I plan to let him help decorate." Dick squeaked out.

"Do you drink?"

"Not frequently and rarely at home"


"No ma'am"

"Hm well your apartment isn't in the best neighborhood but it's not much worse than the ones in Gotham and your background checks out" she paused clicking multiple buttons on her iPad, "congratulations Richard Grayson you have and appointment to meet the child you plan to adopt at 5pm tonight. Don't be late"

"I won't I promise thank you so much" Dick all but hugged her with all the joy coursing through his veins. Not that it amused the scouter much. She left quickly with a little huff while Dick celebrated by calling everyone he knew to let them know hardly waiting for a response before moving on. After making it through all of his contacts did he realize that she said tonight. It was noon now and it took about 3 hours to get to Gotham he started to grab every paper he would need and some he definitely didn't before getting in his car and rushing to Gotham. 3 and a half hours later he arrived to his destination an hour early he decided to get lunch at Red Robin, but he could hardly eat. He couldn't even think straight to many what if, possible mistakes and major screw up were run through his head he actually jumped when his alarm went off. He had 10 minutes, 10 minutes till he meet Damian not as a hero but as a average guy who also happens to be the son of a billionaire. What could go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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