So we meet again

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"Lukas hurry up" Damian yelled to he's friend. They weren't proud of what they were doing but they had to. If they didn't no one would and the orphanage would starve. And yes the state gave them money for food but it was really spent on the caretakers alcohol so they had to steal. Stealing from an actual store was to much of an actually crime but stealing from the gangs that stole from those stores seemed less criminalistics. Right?

"Why did I agree to help you with this" Lukas shouted

"Because you're just such a good Person" he laughed as they cut through a back alley to get to their quote on quote home.

"Yeah right" Lukas gasped as they ran past the docks.


"What the hell" Damian shouted as he ducked behind an old storage crate.

"Dude those f*cking superhero's," Lukas whispered "and I think there loosing"

And losing they were

"KF wait" NightWing yelled desperately. They were going into a fight against Lobo without a plan and no punching then a bunch is not a plan.   But who listens to him so "new plan improvise" SB charged at the alien only to be thrown into the wall of one of the near buy buildings


Dick really hope it was abandoned. The  Team was being thrown left and right with makes mark on Lobo. Completely oblivious to the two young on lookers.

"What should we do" Lukas asked already dreading the answer

"Drop the bags and follow my lead" Damian smirked as he ducked out of the hiding place.

"We are so dead"

Ignoring his friend Damian climbed on top of the storage unit and yelled "hey big guy over here" "didn't your mama ever tell you to look when someone talks to you"

Seeing not other options Lukas joined "can you even see pick eyed" "aww what you been crying all night over your boyfriend"


Lobo yelled charging them

"Shit shit shit" Lukas yelled as Damian yanked them to the side onto a different unit and started to run.

"Wing is that the same kid from before" KF asked

"Yeah I think so, M'gann get those kids out of there"

"Will do" she said as she levitated the two boys to the building they were now regrouping on.

"Are we dead yet" Lukas cried

"No you not dead" Dick sighed "KF distracts Lobo while SB and Artemis attack and M'gann try and get into his head" They all nodded and followed through the plan perfectly tying up Lobo soon after. "Now you two, do you actually have a death wish"

"Well kinda" Damian shrugged

"No sir" Lukas said stiffly

"Uh ok first are either of you hurt"


"Ok don't step in next time you see trouble let the authorities deal with it and if they aren't already there report it"

"Yes sir"


"SB take this one back to his home" he said pointing to Lukas "you come with me" dick said grabbing Damian's arm and pulling him to the side. "Now show me your leg" he demanded

"What why would I" Damian quickly questioned

"I'm a detective Damian I can spot when's someone's hiding an injury now let me see it" Dick scolded as he sat the kid down slowly lifting his pant leg. He stopped after Damian roughly flinched and held in a wimpier. "Sorry this might hurt a bit"

"Yeah no shit" Damian said harshly "just get it over with"

Dick took it to heart and quickly raised the cloth ripping it from the scab already forming over what looked to be a nasty cut. A good chunk of the poor kids calf was not plastered onto the now destroyed pants. The cut wasn't deep but was bleeding way to much to be good. If it wasn't for Damian's voice Dick could have stared at the cut for hours

"Is it normal to feel light headed"

"Uh no that's not good we need to get you medical attention fast" Dick said before reaching into his pocket for his Com "Agent A I have a kid here that needs medical attention so prepare the med table"

"Master NightWing I don't believe that is for the best interest of any body at the moment"


"Yes I suppose but you must put him under no matter how much you trust this boy you can't risk any body else"

"Sir yes sir" he yelled into the link before shifting his focus back on Damian who had grown far to pale in the dark lighting "hey kid I'm going to need you to trust me and take this" he said handing the kid a sleeping pill

"Why wooould I truusst youuu" Damian said well subconsciously taking the pill.

"Don't worry your going to be fine" Dick said as he slowly pick Damian up then rushing to get him to the Batcave.

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