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The house had calmed after a full night of patrol and the absence of a stranger in the cave. Damian was sent back to the orphanage after a weekend in the dark damp corner of the cave much to a certain butlers displeasure. The boys had retreated but to their rooms while the girls sat in the living room catching up with each other. The two eldest of the house sat quietly in the cave starring at the giant screen in anticipation. Bruce had taken a DNA sample from the late guest and was currently testing it against the cities blood work records searching for the young boys parents.


Damian had made quite the impression in he's short time in the cave. Bruce wasn't sure if it was his ability to go back and forth with the Red Hood or that he corrected an error in Tim's search algorithms, but he like the kid.


They had already ran the boys DNA against half the cities with no luck but Bruce hope Leslie might have a wider range at her office.



The air stilled. "Master Bruce"

"I don't know how Alfred"

"Master Bruce"

"I'll run it again it has to be a mistake"

"You will do no such thing" Alfred scolded, "I could have told you the boy was your the minute I saw him. Bloody hell and you call yourself a detective he look alarmingly like you at that age. Lighten his skin and change his eyes to blue I would have called him Bruce. Know I expect that you find a way to tell the rest of your sons and go to sleep"

He then walked up the stairs leaving the man he viewed as a son to think.

Unknown the them another son was up contemplating his future choices.

That morning the breakfast table was flooding with emotions. Bruce was radiating stress as he angrily flipped through his newspaper, Tims eyes lost even more of their will to stay open as he pored his third cup of coffee, Jason was more irritable than usual just because, while Dick seem to be bouncing out of his seat, and the girls sat back waiting for it to explode

"I want to adopt Damian" Dick blurted our stunning his family.

"Wow Dick that's great" Barbara smiled

"Yeah Dick head that's a great idea cause your so good at taking care of yourself" Jason chimed in

"Shut it jay, Dick I think thats a great idea you two seem to work well with each other" Stephanie defended Dick. Tim has actually passed out at the table and Cass gave him a thumbs up. But Dick was looking longingly at his Dad searching for an answer in his someone face.

"Dick you don't have a house" Bruce finally spoke

"I think what Master Bruce is trying to say is that his happy that your taking on this new responsibility but want to make sure you understand exactly what you getting into" Alfred cut in glaring at the man sitting at the head of the long dinning table.

"Thanks Alfred but that actually lead to my other announcement." Dick paused (cause his Dramatic)
"I got an apartment in Büldhaven. The city could use some extra help and I think it's time I moved out I mean Jay already has an apartment on the other side of the city even if he's hardly there."

"I think that's a great idea Dick all of it, but I can speak for everyone when I say we'll miss you" Bruce said as he hug his son.

The rest of the day was spent saying goodbye and helping Dick pack up the last of his things.

"Hey Dick how are you going to adopt Damian if he only knows you as Nightwing" Tim asked after getting filled in.

"I don't really know I want to tell him but I also want to keep him out of this life" Dick sighed " I'll just have to befriend him as both Dick and Nightwing"

Tim shut his head, "please never refer to yourself in the third person again."

Dick just laughed as he got in his car and drove to his new home. He was going to unpack before he started the adoption process. I would look better if he had a house to start with.

Later that night Bruce found himself standing in-front of his parents portrait. He could never take anything away from his son even if it meant giving up the chance to raise his own son but what would his parents like.

"I believe they would agree with and decision you made, Master Bruce"

Bruce turned around to see his oldest friend, "I can't stop Dick. I can't take this away from him."

"I believe you will be a wonderful Grandfather Master Bruce"

"And you a Great Grandfathers Alfred"

"Oh my. It is far to late for either of us Elders to be awake."

Bruce cut him off, "message received, and thank you for your support."

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