Chapter 28: Twins, now and Forever.

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Zuri carried Gemma home, through all the pain of the wounds she got. Through all the bleeding they both had still Zuri carried Gemma home. In the warm sun, their blood dry, people pointing at the rooftops and staring at them. Gemma buried her face between Zuri's shoulders.
"We're almost there. Hold on." Zuri assured.

The was beginning to set when they got home. Zuri took her white bathroom robes and me with Gemma in the shower. The warm water was like little people dancing on their bodies. It relaxed their overworked muscles. Gemma sat down on the shower floor and gave a tired sigh.
"Zuri. Whats going on?" She asked as Zuri joined her sitting opposite her.
"I'm as confused as you are. I mean I'd be over the moon finding out we're biologically identical twins but we were kidnapped, we are cursed with beasts, Shadow is trapped in a fuckin' missing medallion in the police station, the devil is part of our lives and some other wierd shit I didn't mention." Zuri controlled the frustration in her voice. Gemma looked up at the falling water with her magnificent brown eyes and ran her fingers through her wet shoulder length brown hair.
"What now? Im really tired of the pain. Mental pain, physical pain, emotional pain, period pain. Its like my life is an endless rollercoaster of pain."
"I feel you ... sister." Zuri slid over to her, comforting her in a hug with the water showering down.
"Tonight Gemma-" Zuri began. Her twin gave a fake smile and said
"I'm going to tell him to take his horses dick and go fuckin' masturbate with it 'coz-" Gemma trailed off while eyeing Zuri.
"Coz?" Zuri urged.
"I'm not killing my friend, my right hand gal. I'm not ever going to kill my one and only sister." Zuri received a tighter embrace ignoring the softness of their breasts pressing against each other.
They got out the shower, the wounds felt a little better, they both felt a little less tired.

Warm checkered sweaters were put on to block out the cold and trap the heat, along with long navy track pants. Gemma gave Zuri a long hard hug as she began crying softly.
"I dont know what I would've done if I lost you." She whispered
"Nothing can take you away from me. Its been like that ever since before time."Zuri mentioned, hugging her tighter.
"Zuri, you're my sister. Promise me I wont lose you and ... and you'll never abandon me." She continued crying not letting go
"I promise you that. We're twins now ... and forever." Zuri promised, holding back her own tears.

The T.V was turned onto chanel 182. An old bloody lion attempting to take down a female buffalo. His mane ripped by the buffalo's deadly horns, his golden fur coat coated red with his blood. Despite the lion's scawny body he hooked on the buffalo's muzzle for dear life knowing full well what those hooves could do. The lion jumped in a risky attempt to bite down on the nape but the landed right between the lethal horns. The bashed and thrashed trying to either impail the lion or batter him away.
"Man, this lion is really desperate for a meal. If this was me I would've let go." Zuri comment sitting criss cross on the couch.
"Zuri that is a meal that determines life and death for this guy." Gemma defended the lion.
"Speak for yourself, hey speaking of food I'm hungry, wanna go make something to eat?" Zuri suggested
"Ohhh yes I'm dying, haven't eaten since breakfast." Her sister answered.
"But what should we make G." Zuri raked her fingers through her brown hair.
"Lets go to the kitchen and see what we have first, then be creative from there Z." Gemma commented.
"A compelling statement G." Zuri pretended to be a wise kung fu master.
"Lets just go." Gemma scoffed pulling Zuri off the couch and onto the stone cold tiled floor.

Gemma envisioned how the spotless kitchen would look after they were done. Gemma swung the cupboards open one by one and with each ingredient she saw a new idea for a different recipe seeped into her. Her imagination stired, the abundance of ingredients brewed her motivation to cook up a storm.
"Look out kitchen-"she began
"We're about to cook up a storm-" Zuri finished. Gemma turned in the stove and waited for all the plates to heat up. Meanwhile Zuri grated swiss cheese.
"That looks very swiss-spicious." Gemma narrowed her eyes at Zuri who threw a seriously competitive gaze.
"Are we seriously going to make food puns throughout this cooking session?" Zuri asked
"Lettuce see Z." Gemma replied as she smelled a spring onion before chopping it up.

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