Chapter 37: Trouble of Jurassic proportions

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The dominance in the prison cell had been shifted in less than minutes of Gemma's arrival with the SS-rated prisoners. The gorilla knucked its way to the bars and clasped its massive hand around them attempting to pry them open with no avail. She tried again only yielding the same result. The gorilla evaporated, replaced by a buffalo. The prisoners cowered in fear shifting into the the corners.

A fear instilling roar revebrated down the corridors of the prison. The ground shuddered and Gemma's buffalo charged towards the bars, which clanged on impact. The roar got louder and sounded closer. She reared up and charged at the dented bars once more before the entire metal reinforced wall crumbled and Gemma burst out. Cheers of happiness and joy of freedom erupted behind her. Gemma spotted a Tyrannosaurus charging towards her. It could only mean one thing.

Lucifer got to Zuri too. The prisoners poured out of the cell like ants only to see an ant-eater. Fear clasped their hearts and their faces flushed of the joy they had not so long ago. The ancient king of beast chomped down the prisoners in mere seconds seeing there was no escape. She eyed her sisters reptilian eyes before saying.
"Zuri, I need a diversion from you. Stall the police as long as possible. I dont want any cops interfering." She growls in response, stomping outside, greeted by a shower of helicopter lights and cops cocking their guns. Zuri thundered forward, flattening cars and cops as the past. The ones who had the brains jumped away for safety but missed when it came to the aiming. Animal control was on speed-dial and the helicopters chased the ancient beast.

Zuri did an excellent job, Gemma got all the opportunity to kill thr fat fag. She busted down the door

Devils Assassin :Whitebladeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن