Chapter 38: Practice.

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Lucifer heard Gemma from a distance away. He looked at his pathetic state and wondered what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into this time.
"Borris! Lily!" He called from the shadows. His two mutt servants showed up, not daring to look into his eyes.
"Yes." They replied.
"Go help Gemma, tell her nothing about me." He growled.
"Master even if you've given them the sap of the deadly Aduz' Lephuex tree? How?" Borris asked. Lucifers eyes shone like Garnetts amongst an abyss of darkness.
"DONT ASK, DO!" He boomed making them flinch.
"As you wish." They scurried away like the little runts they were.

Gemma and Zuri had a distinct scent that was easy to track. They spotted Gemma looking around frantically, her right eye was still active.
"I'll handle this." Lily smiled.

"Hey!" she waved her arms in midair, signalling Gemma. Her green eyes locked onto the assassins negative eye.
"You are... one of Lucifer's pets." Gemma marveled.
"More like P.A" she tilts her head while doing air quotes. Gemma shrugged and shook the white haired girl, digging her short nails into her shoulders.
"I need to find Zuri." Her voice trickled with urgency.
"Thats why I'm here. Hey is your eye always like that?" She asked. Hidden in the shadows of the building, the two girls examined the police festered place below.

"I hate it when they escape from right under our noses, they slip between our hands. Its like trying to grab water.!" One surviving officer spat, throwing a tantrum. Detectives and journalists swarming in, taking pictures and collecting samples.

"Zuri is still alive. I can take you to her. Thats what Lucifer said." Lily smiled, playing with her ivory hair.
Gemma gritted her teeth.
"What are we waiting for? Take me there!" She angrily said.
"Well you cant fight Cavendishes all alone. So open your hand if you want your sword." Lily instructed.
Irritated Gemma reluctantly did so and immediately the blade formed. First the shiny outline followed by the sword itself. She gripped it and thanked her.
"Now assassin, lets get that bloody ass on the move."

The duo moved quickly and quietly across the city, blending into the shadows. Lily wouldnt stop whispering about what the drink did to them and what they could now do but luck was on their side, she had a soft voice.
"I can only take you so far." Lily sighed.
"What? Ok then." Gemma replied.
"They're in there." Lily pointed to a tall building at the edge of the city, darkened by age. This part of the city was crawling with pests and was abandoned. Gemma nodded her thanks.

A Cavendish appeared infront of her.
"Bitch you've made it." He scoffed.


It seemed like the more she struggled the more tight the invisible restrains got. The two Cavendishes instructed each other. They spoke about control.
After a span of time the leading Cavendish watched the inferior Cavendish light up his hands in green energy.
"Now Mullo focus the control seal on her forehead." The blue robed Cavendish instructed.
"Yes, Lord Kolodimo." The one called Mullo respectively replied. He applied pressure on her reptile skin, heat pierced through to her skull.
"Bring in the twins. I want this to be very interesting." Kolodimo boomed.

Beyond the city was a forest preserved by the government. 100acres of nothing but forest.

HI there. Tailbeastbombb here this is my final chapter for a while. Im letting Bewilderbeast take over for now.
Thanks for reading lovely wattpadders, hope you enjoyed as much as i did. Please comment and share.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

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