Chapter 4

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I got back home and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. Usually when I'm annoyed or mad I run because it helps get rid of the frustration. And right now, I was so annoyed. I didn't even know why I cared about how they treated that poor boy so much, it would have been easier to just ignore everything, but I couldn't. The worst thing was, I had no idea why I couldn't get Max out of my head, like I was pulled towards him.

I quickly brushed off the thoughts from my mind. Ugh I'm so stupid.

I plugged in my headphones and headed out. No one was home since Lily had a drawing class she attended. I found that cute, I was an only child so suddenly being put into this family was weird but I liked it.

I was running through the park trying to stop thinking, obviously, that wasn't working.

I passed by some trees onto a smaller path, I was slowly making my way back towards the house since I was going into the woods, which were so huge.

I was confused when I heard a weird noise coming from deeper in the woods. Any normal person would go far away from it, but I'm weird so I blamed my curiosity as I walked away from the small path.

Suddenly my heart stopped. There was a huge red wolf growling at two brown wolves which I could see more clearly as they were facing me. The red wolf was bleeding, but ready to fight the other two.

I was breathing heavily, maybe it was from the run, I was too confused to care. I watched, not moving.

The brown wolf moved from the left towards the red one after what seemed like a nod from the other one, and before I could blink, the red wolf was lying on the ground, motionless.

Oh my God.

I moved back in shock, do wolves normally do this? That was a stupid move, because I'm pretty sure the two wolves heard me. One howled, and started moving towards me.

It was getting dark and I was running, not daring to look back. I was at the point where you're so scared you don't even feel anything and you're running mindlessly.

I know I'm an idiot, but please just let me get back home. I don't want to die yet there's so much I want to do. Like, eat that new ice cream I heard they're selling in town.

I felt so cold, all I heard was the rustling from the bushes behind me. I felt numb.

Just when I thought I could make it, even though I wasn't sure where I was going, one of the wolves appeared in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. Please, no.

They're going to kill me. As the wolf moved forward I stepped back. Hitting the tree, I fell to the ground. It's not like I could go up against such a huge wolf. Now that I think about it, it's so big for a normal wolf.

I heard a low growl from behind me. Shivering, I turned around to see a black wolf. It seemed familiar.

It stepped closer. I closed my eyes, terrified. I was pathetic, but what could I do? I was overcome by fear, I couldn't move.

I braced myself for the worst but nothing came. I slowly opened my eyes to see the wolves fighting. Was it... protecting me? Impossible.

I took the opportunity to run, I didn't stop even when I couldn't feel my legs.

Finally, I made it home and rushed up the stairs locking every door behind me.
As I came into my room, I closed the door behind me and fell to the ground, crying.


I was confused. I had spent an hour trying to calm down but I had nearly just died and I couldn't stop shaking. But I was mostly confused about that black wolf. And then it hit me, I saw it before, staring at me from the edge of the woods last night.

Sighing, I wrapped myself in a blanket replaying the events in my mind.

There was a knock at the door. "Hey sweetie I'm back." My mom came in. "How was your day?"

I tried to regain my composure. "Good, I made a friend."

She smiled " I'm glad, you didn't get into any trouble did you?"

I took her hands in mine, "don't worry. Hey mom..."I trailed off. " Have you seen any wolves around here?"
She looked at me "No, are you okay?" She saw the worried look on my face. Not wanting to worry her I said "Yes, I was just wondering since I saw one. Don't go into the woods, please?"

I knew that was a weird request but she agreed and left shortly after kissing my forehead.


After supper I took a shower and went to bed, hoping to forget what happened earlier. My phone went off as I got a text from Cathy.

Cathy: Hey! I just got invited to a party, do you want to come?

Me: Sorry, I don't really like parties...And I wasn't invited.

Cathy: Yes you are. One of Will's friends is throwing it for his friend's birthday and Will said we should go.

Me: When is it?

Cathy: This Friday. You better come. It's not a choice. We're going shopping tomorrow.

Me: Wait, shopping? Why?

Cathy: You can't be serious. So we can look great.

Me: What's wrong with my clothes?

Cathy: Nothing, but I want to get something new together.

Me: Okay okay fine.

Cathy: Great, I'll text you the address.

I looked at the address. Isn't that really close to here? I was too tired to think, I put my phone down by my bed and quickly drifted into sleep.


Quite a short chapter. Sorry.

Anyways, it will get better I promise!
Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment.

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