Chapter 34

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I bid my goodbyes and was ready to accept my fate when I heard a growl from behind the man.

The man also turned to look at the sound allowing me a second to slip away from his clutches.

I looked behind the man and why he had stopped moving as though he was scared only to see a huge group of werewolves. They had come after their alpha's command!

The wolves encircled him, growling ferociously after seeing their alpha unconcious.

The man, fully knowing he couldn't do anything against them, turned on his heel and started running towards me.

I squealed and turned away but I was too late. He was too close.

A werewolf ran up to me, hurling me over their shoulders and taking off into the woods before he could get to me.

The noise of us breezing through the trees allowed me to snap out of it as I held on tightly to his fluffy, black fur.

I was still in shock and it took me a while before I realised we were heading in the opposite direction from where Max was.

The dull aching of my heart reminded me of the tragedy that had happened. But I wasn't willing to accept his death until I saw it with my own eyes.

"I don't know who you are but take me to Max!" I pointed a finger at the wolf, commanding him to take me to my mate after my feet were firmly on the ground.

To anyone else this scene would have looked quite comical considering a little, naive girl was pointing an accusatory finger at a huge werewolf twice her size. And she was too hurt to be scared.

The wolf shifted and I gasped when I realised it was alpha Adam.

"Take me to Max." Honestly I had no right to command an alpha to do anything but when it comes to my mate I was acting like an ignorant and spoiled child and didn't even care.

If Max wasn't in trouble I'd be asking him why he saved me but there were more pressing matters at hand.

"Okay okay." Adam held his hands up defensively after seeing me glare at him.

I was honestly shocked to have him agree to do something I had asked him but now wasn't the time to ask a guy why he wasn't being annoying and refusing me.

Adam quickly shifted back and in seconds we were taking off into the woods, my hand cluthing onto the pain coursing through my body that was slowly becoming unbearable. Was this what Isaac had gone through?

I shook off the thought as we neared the shack.

Adam carefully placed me down and shifted, grabbing me before I could go anywhere.

"Alexa, the others have already taken care of that hunter should know that they found Max on the clearing behind the shack." He spoke slowly as though trying to let the words process in my mind.

"I need to go to him!" I said whilst shaking off his arm.

"Wait." He grabbed me again. "I don't know how to say this...we're too late can't do anything." He said sadly, trying to reason with me.

I blankly stared at Adam.

"Um...Alexa?" He called out my name confused as to why I had gone quiet.

My mind was frozen in terror. I couldn't move. I felt sick like I was going to throw up at any minute. The sun had set leaving behind a dark night sky. If it wasn't for the shock I would be shivering from the frosty air surrounding us.

"No...I...I need to see him!" I raced through the shack, making an exit into the back.

My feet found their way into the clearing I had seen before when locating Max. Isaac said it wasn't possible for me to locate him but he was wrong. In the same way Adam was wrong, we could still save Max! He was fine. He would be fine. I refused to let this be the end.

In the Moonlight [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now