Chapter 33

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"Why are you doing this?" I clenched my teeth together.

"I had no idea my son was part of this disgusting plague. These wolves took the life of my brother!" Their mother cried out. She was visibly shaking, I knew she was loosing all rationality. She was overwhelmed with hurt and anger.

Their father pointed a gun at Isaac.

"And we're just giving you back what you deserve."

"Stop!" I screamed, gaining their full attention. "You don't get it, I lost my dad too, in a car accident, but you have to let go of those feelings. They are only ruining you inside. There's no point holding onto this pain because it will destroy you, you have to move on. Just because one wolf harmed you doesn't mean they're all bad!"

"Naive little girl. You've been tricked by them. That little boyfriend of yours is being well taken care of don't you worry." Their father smirked.

"Max?" My bottom lip trembled.

"Ah that was his name."

"What did you do to him?" I glared at them.

"Well, don't worry, Cathy is safe. But he'll be surprised when he sees the surprise we have for him. A beta is a huge means of defence for an alpha and his pack, we had to separate them so we could attack the alpha with no troubles along the way." Their mother explained.

I was shaking. "What do you mean surprise?"

They barely had the time to smirk before Isaac launched himself at them, shifting mid-air.

He took down the father easily, most probably because of the anger running through his veins. I knew how close Max and him were so he was probably overwhelmed by his anger.

Their mother aimed and fired the gun, hitting Isaac so he was hurled against a tree.

These people were definitely prepared.

I wasn't thinking straight, where was everybody? Why was no one helping? My mind was going blank with fear of how Max was and the fact that Isaac wasn't getting up.

"Isaac?" I called out in fear.

I heard a voice closer to me. "Poor, poor Alexa. You seemed like a nice girl, I did enjoy you giving us all that good information that night at supper though. You were very helpful." She grinned.

"Unfortunately for you, you made the wrong choice. The bullet is full of wolfsbane and your friend isn't helping you any time soon. These wolves now even took my husband and wouldn't be fair if they didn't know the pain I felt back." She said bitterly.

Her words slowly processed in my head.

She's going to kill me.

I kept taking steps back in fear, tears threatening to spill out. I was weak. Pathetic. There's nothing I could do to protect myself against a gun.

She took a few steps closer to me at an agonizing pace. I cursed myself for being paralyzed in fear and unable to do anything. They had mentioned Max and that was enough to leave me frozen in fear.

I couldn't do anything against her, I couldn't do anything to help Max.

I shook my head, willing to shake myself out of this pathetic state. She was a mere inches away from me when I reached out with a shaking hand to grab a branch to my right and struck her on her head without thinking.

She wobbled on her feet and her hand shot up to grab her head in pain.

"You brat." She hissed through her teeth. "You're going to pay for that."

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