Chapter 22- Polar Opposites Attract

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The air brushing your cheeks began to slow as Haku made his decent to land. You narrowed your eyes through the mist, you couldn't see well when you weren't in your dragon form but your turn would come soon.

A soft thud sounded as Haku planted his four feet in the ground. You slid off his back placing the bags on the ground, readjusting some straps to fit his frame better. When you look back up Haku had already returned to being human. He walks over to you and pulls you into a hug. "Promise me, that if you get hurt you will call me. I'll come right away..." he mumbles into your neck. His lips tickle your skin as you peer down at him. His grip was tight around your waist pressing your front to his in a flush manner. "I-I promise..." you stammer as you wrap your arms around him. He breaths a sigh of relief and after a few more minutes he stands back placing a kiss on your forehead. "Have I ever told you I love you?" He asks a smirk on his lips. You roll your eyes and step out of his embrace, immediately feeling cold and wanting to go back to him. "Yes every day" you chuckle as you throw a bag at him. He catches it and feigns hurt, walking over to you. "Well, it's a long way to go, you sure you're gonna be ok?" His once playful expression turning into a face of worry. "I'll be fine Haku, don't worry about me so much." Grinning as a white light surrounds you. It glows for a moment longer as you feel the tearing sensation of becoming your dragon. Of course, yours was a lot taller and bigger than Hakus, but yours was suited for land and fire. His was suited for water and air.

You two were polar opposites.

Yet you attract.

He slung the bags over your slender, furry back and hoisted him self up. He settled on your back and you began the long trek towards the bathhouse. He lay down across your long back and rested on your neck. He started peppering kisses along your furry neck causing a low rumbling purr sound to vibrate from your chest. His smiles widened as he chuckled away to himself and wrapped his arms around your massive slender frame. "Wake me up if something goes wrong, but I will probably wake up anyways" he yawns and soon becomes a sleeping heap on your back. His dead weight causing you to chuckle as you continue the long journey.

You had been traveling for hours, Haku had successfully succeeded in sleeping the whole time. He never loosened his grip around you and that was enough of a push to keep you going. The land you were travelling on was marshy, it sagged under your weight and made walking a whole lot harder than it had to be. You noticed some flashing yellow lights far away. They moved in circular motions and were heading your way at a reasonable speed. You made a rumbling noise in the back of your throat to signal for Haku to wake. He did so within a moment more of your antics, immediately spotting the dancing lights. "Hide. Now!" he says pointing towards the dense tree line covered by a thick canopy of leaves. You trotted over there, lifting your small paws high to try and gain more ground.

You entered the forest and were enveloped in the dark. Haku was breathing slightly faster as he watched the lights grow closer to where you had just been. Voices could be heard and you both listened intently.

"Find the witch before Master finds out she's gone!"

"If you hadn't let her eat outside the cell she wouldn't have gotten out!"

"That spider guy Kamaji did it!"

"I thought it was that stupid girl"

"What the little one with brown hair?"

"Yeah yeah her! What's her name... Chirio?"

"Nah it's like Chihiri or something"

"Chihiro you idiots!"

Haku had become stiff and wasn't moving. His body was tense and his grip had tightened on your neck. You turned your long head his direction to see a battle of emotions raging behind his beautiful eyes. That worried you more than what the spirits said next.

"Yeah she came back. Remember when Master Haku cared for her?"

Low chuckles reverberated from the now distancing crowd.

"Yeah he minded her like baby! Then she went a did the big hero act and saved him."

"Mhm, Boss hired her. Boy has she changed! She says she ain't staying for long though. Says she only came back to see the Master"

The voices grew too distant to hear much more. Your breathing became rapid at the thought of a girl that had come back specifically to see Haku. As soon as the lights disappeared you ran out of the forest line, surprising Haku to say the least as you bounded down the path. "Y/N- Slow down love!" You made a grumbling sound and slowed your pace to a brisk walk. The marshy floor wasn't deterring you anymore. You were to set on meeting this girl and seeing what she felt for Haku.

More importantly what he felt for her.

"If this is about Chihiro then I can explain!"

You stopped in your tracks, not turning your head but cocking it to the side slightly to show you were listening.

"She came here a really long time ago..."


I can't even.

There is so much drama it's bubbling up and it is gonna  B U R S T!!  My dear readers,

I ask of you.

To comment. (So I can reply and feel special 😂😂)

To vote. (Because then we just need to climb the ranksss)

And to be awesome people. (But your rocking this anyways so you don't have to do this)


Cookies and cream,


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