»Case Mishaps«

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//Casey's Outfit^//

Casey's thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt, irritating high pitched beep of the microwave, alerting her of the dinner of carbonara pasta for the 3rd day in a row.

Sluggishly, she retrieved her meal and went upstairs, placing her pasta on her desk and picking the screwdriver up, tinkering with the umbrella for adjustments.

Loki alerted her of the front door creaking open, sounding throughout the halls and soaring upstairs. In her curiosity, she headed downstairs to investigate who had entered. Sherlock smiled at her gently as her eyes trailed from the slight gash on his forehead to her Uncle, who stood slumped and covered with a wool blanket, his standing supported by Sherlock, blood dripping slowly down the side of his face.

"Uncle John? Are you alright?" She whispered softly, lowering her voice to keep him calm and hugging him very gently, carefully treating him as if he was porcelain. He nodded very slowly, in shock.

"He'll be alright in a little while" Sherlock smiled slightly, assisting John upstairs. Casey made a cup of tea and followed suit.

Sherlock had retreated to his own room immediately after ensuring John was rested. Casey slowly cracked open the door to John's room. He sat wrapped in a blanket leaning on the bed's mahogany head, trembling subtly, his gaze fixated on the wall.

"Uncle John?" She whispered, slowly walking to sit beside him. She handed him the tea wordlessly and watched carefully as his shaky hand attempted to grasp it, tremors rattling his body.

"T-Thank you, s-sweetheart" He stammered, shakily raising it to his lips.

"What happened?" She murmured softly to Sherlock, who thought he remained unnoticed at the door.

"He and his date were almost killed during a run-in with The Black Lotus."

"And they are?" Casey persisted

"A crime syndicate" Sherlock mumbled, disinterested.

"Righto" She sighed, holding John's hand. "How about the lady? Is she okay?"

"She's alright, very shaken but she'll be alright."

"Well, thank you for bringing my Uncle back safe. I don't know what I'd do without him" Casey smiled softly. John leaned over to kiss her hair, holding her in his arms.

"Always" Sherlock winked, closing the door behind him as he departed. She cuddled into her Uncle until finally his trembling began to settle, eyes closed from exhaustion.

"Are you alright?" She whispered again, holding his hands.

"Y-Y-Yes sweetheart....just a-a l-little s-shaken."

"How did you get that gash in your head?" Karlisle pursued.

"You haven't even looked me in the eyes, how do you know there is a gash there?"

"I observe."

"You eavesdrop" He chuckled softly, walking to investigate what she was working on.

"Where have you been today?"

"Saving lives."


"Not yet sweetie, you're too young for case details-"

"I'm almost 16!" She laughed half-heartedly.

"Still very young."

"Casey knows case details!"

"Watson feels he needs to enlighten her curiosity at times."

"How about mine-?"

"The Holmes family just know."

"Good save" She laughed, deciding to further the conversation no longer. "Was it a hard mission?"

"We almost died" Her Uncle murmured to himself softly. She slowly turned to face him, her look plastered with concern.

"Uncle, please be safe" She whispered. He softly kissed her hair and left wordlessly, leaving to busy himself with the details of yet another case.

Karlisle closed the door softly, placed down her project and crawled under the covers of her bed, allowing Gypsy to cuddle with her. She struggled to allow rest to consume her for some time, her mind alive, pressing with questions.

Her question of the day lingered which had not yet been answered.

'When will Uncle Sherlock allow me to help him?'

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