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Stumbling early in the morning, approximately 6:35 am, Karlisle retrieved her breakfast and retreated to her room, knowing that no one else would be awake at the particular time of morning.

She turned on the TV in her room, flipping aimlessly through channels to pass the time, eventually settling on Netflix, which was my go-to entertainment when it was early morning or a slow, disinteresting day.

Sherlock sluggishly made his way downstairs, gathering his breakfast and sitting on a couch. He had not received a case, and Karlisle feared that he would become bored...something dangerous always happened when a Holmes was bored.

"Good morning, Holmes!" Casey bubbled cheerfully as she passed the open door, waltzing downstairs.

"Good morning Watson!" Karlisle called out in response, taking another bite of her cinnamon oatmeal.

Watson passed soon after, cereal in hand. "How're you this morning?"

"Well thank you, a bit bored!"

"You certainly seem bored" Casey chuckled, glancing at the antique show Karlisle was watching.

"I am indeed. Dog walking in a little bit?"

"10am sound good?"

"It does indeed" Karlisle nodded, biting into her oatmeal once more. Casey laughed softly in response as she continued her journey down the hallway.

John had passed out on her bed, wrapped in soft sheets and breathing evenly, having had the wound on his head patched up.

The violent noise of gunshot ricocheted around the house.

"Stay here, sweetheart" John breathed out, jumping out of the bed and running hastily downstairs. I listened closely, soon hearing my Uncle exclaim

"What the HELL are you doing!!"



"BORED" Sherlock began firing once again at the wall. John grabbed the gun off of him sharply and began unloading the bullets from it at high speed.

His eyes trailed to the wall as he frowned softly. "You had to take it out on the wall??"

"The wall had it coming" Sherlock murmured. John rolled my eyes.

"How about the Russian case?"

"Domestic murder, not worth my time." John once again rolled his eyes and sat down heavily.

They somehow ended up in a squabble about the solar system, before he remarked "A study in pink?"

"Did you like it?"



"Sherlock is immensely ignorant??" He grumbled at John.

"You can be."

"All that matter to me is work!"

"I know."

"Put that in your blog. Or better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world!" John went silent and slowly rose to my feet. "Where are you going?"

"Out. I need some air" John murmured, putting on his coat hastily and making his way out of the house, entering the street into the nipping cold air.

Casey and Karlisle were soon out walking Gypsy and Loki, chatting away about the online study they'd both been conducting. On passing, Casey noticed John sitting by himself in a cafe, rubbing his temples and wincing.

"That looks painful, Uncle J."

"I'm sorry honey, just stressed" He sighed heavily, allowing a side hug as she came towards his table.

"Maybe you need a break" Karlisle tilted her head at him.

"I'm having one now" He chuckled, sipping the warm tea.

"You're right, we'll leave you be on your calming one person date" Casey jabbed cheekily.

"Thank you Cas, I'll see you later" He chuckled as he gave her a tight hug. They both left to continue their dog walking.

John sought accommodation elsewhere, accidentally falling asleep at an acquaintances house.

«The Next Morning»

John sat, eyes wide and mouth hanging open at what unfolded before him on the television.

221 Baker Street had been destroyed by a nearby bomb.

"Casey! Sherlock! Karlisle! Mrs Hudson!" John cried as he darted out of the house, hailing a nearby taxi and hastily arriving at his home, panicked as he viewed the destruction the front of the house sustained.

John ran upstairs, calling for Sherlock, finding him sitting with Karlisle and Mycroft. Karlisle had a blanket over her shoulders, laying her head on her Uncle Mycroft as Sherlock paced around the room. Mycroft was speaking to her, reassuring her, John didn't often see Mycroft with a soft side.

"C-Casey?" Was all he managed to stammer.

"Upstairs. She's alright, she does have a small cut on her ankle and nose, which will need to be looked at. She's alright" Sherlock reassured him as John took off upstairs.

When Casey wasn't in her room, his heart stopped, chest constructing with panic.

"Where is she?!" He breathed out, searching around her room. He hung his head to allow more rational thoughts to consume him for a moment before he noticed a trail of blood leading from her room. "Oh god" He murmured, following it. The trail went under his half closed door.

Turning the knob, he pushed open the rickety door, to find her laying on the left side of his bed, bleeding ankle wrapped in a towel and a small piece of cloth on her head. Trembling, she lay wrapped in his coat and eyes closed, apparently unaware he'd entered.

"Honey?! Are you alright?!" He sat beside her gently, heart racing. "Talk to me honey, what's wrong, what hurts?" He whispered, grasping her other hand as he sat her up. She quietly rested her head on his shoulder, yawning quietly and blinking owlishly at him. He wrapped her up further in his coat and held her close. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry I wasn't here."

"You alright M'Lady?"Mycroft asked Karlisly, standing in her doorway after she'd exited without explanation. She glanced up and smiled, nodding. "Are you hurt?"

"No Uncle, thank you."

"Does Uncle Mycroft get a hug?" he suddenly grinned, arms outstretched. With a small laugh, she allowed herself to be enveloped, before sending Sherlock behind him.

"Are you sure you're not hurt, Karlisle?"

"I'm fine Uncle Sherlock." He smiled and took her hand before his face dropped slightly.

"I have to go on a case for a little while...tell Mrs Hudson if you need anything. I'll try to be back as soon as I can."

"Why do you have to go?" She blurted, hiding her emotions instantly after.


"Have fun" He murmured softly, waving one last time.

"Ring me if you need me, I'll be here in minutes" Mycroft nodded, following his brother. Karlisle sat down slowly, with Gypsy hopping onto the bed beside her.

'Someone tried to blow us up intentionally...Someone wants us dead...And I'm intending to find out who.'

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