»Lestrade's Personal Chaos«

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Lestrade was exhausted, the speeding police car was barely missing cars. Holmes and Watson were holding on for dear life.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at Janus cars. Lestrade got out and slammed the door grumpily, muttering to himself, before placidly reaching down and opening Karlisle's door for her. "I-I'm sorry for my t-temper...I'm just so tired..." His speech slurred a little.

"It's alright, I'd have a temper if I had to deal with Sher-"

"Don't finish that sentence Watson."

"Don't get so touchy Holmes" Casey winked. She elbowed me, grinned playfully and followed Lestrade into the garage. Casey edged back so she could see him in full view. He struggled to walk in a straight line, Casey deducing this was not Lestrade's first night with no sleep recently.

He pulls his badge out alongside his handcuffs, forming his face into an angered expression before charging into a man's office, arresting him on the spot.

"Ian Ewart?" Karlisle murmured.

"Why would they need someone who owns a car rental?"

Lestrade struggled to restrain him, receiving and elbow hard to the hip which threw himself off balance. Casey's sudden protectiveness surged, charging into the office and pushing down on Ewart's arms, allowing Lestrade to restrain him with more success. Two other police officers finally arrived, by which point Lestrade was subtly panting with the effort of restraining Ewart, even receiving advice to seek medical treatment.

He sat on Ewart's desk, breathing in and out heavily. "Sir, are you alright? What's wrong?" Casey pursued.

"-m fine" He almost slurred, standing up. Without warning, she slotted her arm under his and helped him, walking through the garage towards his car. His grateful smile spoke a thousand words, she quietly slotted him into the front seat and asked an officer at the scene to drive them. Lestrade had his eyes closed for most of the trip, hand over his temple, massaging it.

When Lestrade was finally receiving the well earned rest, his phone rung loudly, startling him as he hastily picked it up. He murmured something about a morgue to the officer who was driving, before resting his head once more.

"Ladies, stay in the car" Lestrade spoke softly as he exited, closing the door gently and wrapping his coat around him as he walked.

"He's not alright" Casey murmured, watching him carefully.

"He's overworked" Karlisle agreed, playing with Bucky in her lap.

"What're you two mumbling about?" The officer chuckled quietly, turning his head.

"Nothing much" Karlisle spoke confidently.

"I am a copper you know, I spot liars for a living."

"What's your name, Officer?" Casey intervened.

"Officer Ben" He smiled at her.

"Is your full name Benjamin?"

"Yes, it is. Why did you-"

"You're Officer Benji now" Casey grinned cheekily. He chuckled lightheartedly, nodding.

"Whatever you're more comfortable with, I don't mind."

"Did you notice Lestrade acting strange, Officer?" Karlisle spoke as she zoned back into the conversation.

"I wouldn't blame him. He's overworked, unwell and clearly exhausted. He's doing much better than most in his state."

"I agree" Casey nodded in quiet agreement, watching as Lestrade made his way back to the vehicle.

"221B Baker Street please, Ben" He mumbled, sitting down heavily, tightening his coat around himself.

"You need a break, sir" Casey cut through the silence, eyeing him with concern.

"I don't have time for a break, love" He sighed, glancing at her in the mirror. "I'll be alright, don't worry about me."

Arriving at their home, the two ladies were eager to get inside, out of the cold. Casey helped Lestrade inside once more, with Karlisle well ahead of them, cardboard box with their rats in hand. Casey helped Lestrade patiently upstairs, sitting him in the living room.

"Sherlock?" Casey called out, not raising her head.

"Cas?" His head turned around the corner. "You're home late" He commented, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, sorry about that. Lestrade needed a little assistance" She spoke.

"It looks like it. Anyway, head upstairs with Kar, I need to chat with Geoff."

"Alright" She smiled, taking her water bottle. "And Sher? His name is Greg."

Karlisle could hear Sherlock talking to Lestrade from her position on the stairs, eavesdropping. She jotted down key points, scrawling in her notepad. Casey patted her shoulder as she passed, climbing into the attic to retrieve and old bird cage, deciding to amuse herself by making an enclosure for the rats.

Karlisle began making the connections, drawing together what Sherlock was seeing. He glanced at her momentarily as he began frantically grabbing things from within the house, speaking to John on his phone.

He was out the door before she could speak a word, signing in defeat as she exited quietly to her room, "Cas, your new best friend out there needs some attention."

Casey wandered downstairs, finding Lestrade finally succumb to exhaustion, unconscious on the couch after some time had passed since Sherlock left. She draped a large wooly blanket around him and a pillow under his head, causing him to stir sluggishly, softly whispering 'no.'

She dragged the trestle table beside him, placing a full glass of cold water and some pain killers, before curling up herself on the smaller leather armchair beside his couch.

» Later The Evening «

Lestrade groaned softly as he raises his head, neck stiffened severely. He sat up slowly, rolling his shoulders, reaching for the water glass, hand shaking. He dropped the glass on the table accidentally, causing Casey's head to raise from within her blanket cocoon.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to wake ya" His accent sounded stronger, the more gravelly his voice was, causing her to laugh.

"It's quite alright, how're you feeling sir?"

"Better, thanks to you" He smiles gratefully, taking the painkillers from the table and swallowing them. "I really appreciate this, Cas. It's not often I get a break like this."

"It's alright sir, as long as you feel better, I'm happy."

"I am. And it's Lestrade, darl, you don't need to call me sir" He laughed, standing up and brushing his coat down.

"I'm sorry s- Lestrade, it's habit" She laughed sheepishly, sipping from her water glass. He glanced down at his phone, frowning at the missed calls. Quietly, he walked over to Casey and hugged her very gently.

"I have to head back to work now. Thank you very much for allowing me to rest."

"No problemo" She laughed, waving to him as he exited.

She made her way into her room where Karlisle sat on her bed, reading her book. "Is my room home base now?"

"Your bed is so comfy" She laughed as she continued to flip through pages.

"Loki, you literally have one job, to bark at intruders" Casey teased, stroking his fur.

"How's Lestrade?"

"Much better than he was" She had mumbled, her mind wandering. "That case is bugging me."

"Should we keep following?"

"Our Uncle's will be furious-"

"What they don't know won't hurt them, dear Watson."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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