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Unedited/first draft

But when Reyes finally started explaining his theory, Dia's expression changed. Her surprise turned into disbelief and then anger. In the end, she couldn't restrain herself anymore and snapped.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

But Reyes just smiled at her like he was watching a good show.

"And why are you smiling?!" She seethed.

"Sorry, Dia. But the expression on your face just now is...priceless. You're adorable." He kept smiling, but that husky voice of his and the sexual innuendo was just pissing her off now.

"Reyes, I swear to you, if..."

"Alright, Dia. Calm down."He said quietly, his voice soothing and clear like he was trying to coax a kid. "There is no need to get all worked up."

"Calm down? After what you told me, how do you expect me to calm down?" She shook her head. "Of all the crazy things..."

"Come on, Dia. Do you really think it's too far-fetched? After everything you went through, I expected you to be more open-minded." He chided, though from his tone it seemed he was teasing her.

"Reyes" She said, trying to stay calm. "You believe this doctor Gibson escaped from the empire, used some strange holo-technology to change his appearance, stole someone identity and now he is passing as a crime boss. Is that correct?"

That was the gist of Reyes' theory. According to him, Gibson used that high-tech holo-stuff to pass as Archer Hall, the boss of the Gun Nuts, one of the most ruthless and powerful gangs not affiliated with the Umbra.

Reyes looked at her for a second or two before nodding.

"Yes, that sums it up." He answered, his tone very casual like this was the most normal thing in the world.

Dia huffed, exasperated by laid-back attitude.

"I'll ask you again, just to be sure. Are you out of your mind? Even if this holo-stuff really exist, and by the way, I am far from being convinced, you don't even know if this person is still on the planet!"

"He is here. I am sure of it."

Dia wanted to pull out her own hair.

It feels like I'm talking with a wall.

"Why are you so sure? Even if everything you said is true, If he knows you are after him why didn't he leave the planet?"

Reyes pursued his lips.

"And go...where?" He asked, an accent of disdain in his voice. "He is a wanted man in the empire. He could leave the planet, maybe move to another world in the Ether system. But why should he do it? You are assuming he knew we were following him, but you can't know that for sure. Maybe this is his just MO, or he is simply paranoid."

"Alright, let's assume he is still here. Do you really want me to believe that in less than a year this man, a doctor who probably never used a gun in his entire life went from being a scientist to a gangster? Just like that?" She sounded incredulous, her hands and arms moving very fast as she gesticulated.

"No, not just like that." He answered patiently, but his expression was rigid. He was starting to get annoyed. "He didn't become the boss out of nowhere, Dia, he simply took Hall's place. There are other clues that make me believe Gibson is Archer Hall. Hall's behavior changed since Gibson arrived. He was brutal, aggressive and had a temper, but all of a sudden became cold and aloof. He started to isolate himself from the rest of the gang and never left his den. Doesn't it seem strange to you?"

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