Chapter 19.1

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First draft

Contrary to Dia's expectations, the Greenhouse wasn't that hard to find.  At first sight, it was just a dull two-story building, a big warehouse located right in the middle of the vast expanse of snow of the southern pole. But when Dia looked more closely it was hard not to notice the landing pad and turrets placed at the top of the building. More importantly, the place looked squeaky clean despite the snowstorm raging outside. Sitting in the AMU - Armored mobile unit - a type of transport used by the imperial assault troops, Dia squinted her eyes. All the area in close proximity to the building looked like some kind of oasis, and was totally untouched by the blizzard. Dia's stomach sank. There was only one explanation for that phenomenon.

"That's not good." Rodriguez, apparently, had reached the same conclusion. "The building is surrounded by a force field."

"Mitchell?" Omen asked for confirmation.

The pilot's answer came after two seconds delay. "All the Nostromus' primary systems, including the sensors, have been disabled to avoid detection, but it seems the more likely explanation, captain."

"Fanning, is this the only way in?" Dia asked softly while she looked at the building through the military telescope.

Fanning answered with a shrug. "Yes, as far as I know."

Dia couldn't help but frown, annoyed by his behavior.

Willis, on the other hand, was much more vocal. "As far as you know?! What the hell does that mean? Didn't you say you have been here before?"

"I have been here." Fanning confirmed. "But my movements were restricted. I was under constant surveillance."

"So, what do you know?" Omen asked.

Fanning shrugged. "I know that the surface level is used as temporary storage for the Spice. That's where I went last time I was here." 

"What about the lab?" Omen asked.

"It's deep underground." Fanning answered after a moment's hesitation. "We need to go down to the second level and take the elevator. That's the only way in."

The frown on Dia's face turned into a scowl. 

"What's wrong?" Rodriguez said to her.

"Here." Dia handed the telescope to Rodriguez. "Take a look yourself." 

Rodriguez whistled. "Motion detectors, proximity alarms, and antiblast doors." She shook her head. "I hate to say it, Sweetheart, but I don't think we'll make it. The force field is bad enough, but those turbolaser turrets..."

Willis, of course, agreed with her. "As soon as we try to get close, they will turn us into cinders."

 "Unless we take them out of the equation." Omen, who had been silent so far, spoke for the first time.

 "Yeah?" Willis crossed his arms defiantly. "And how do you intend to do that?"

"Well, Jacob." Omen said and Willis scowled. "I think we should follow your advice."

His words seemed to catch him off-guard. Willis looked at him with suspicion, obviously expecting some kind of trap. "My advice?"

The smile on Omen's face was positively vulpine. "We blow them up." 

The AMU was suddenly very quiet, shock robbing them of speech.

"Now hang on a second." Rodriguez said in an urgent tone. "I thought we agreed to do this quietly."

"Yeah, Omen." Dia said. "That seems a little extreme, don't you think?" 

"Plans change, Dia. You should know that better than anyone else." Omen's face was a mask of determination. "Besides, we're running out of time." Omen glanced at Fanning. "Unless he has any suggestions, I don't think we have much choice."

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