Chapter 17.4

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First draft

Fifteen minutes later, all the members of the ragtag crew were sitting in sickbay. Dia explained briefly what had happened in the brig, but when she told them about Fanning's offer, everyone dropped silent. 

"So? What do you think?"

"I don't  want to pin all my hopes on someone like Fanning," Omen said thoughtfully. "but this may be the only way to stop the Umbra."

"Which begs the question" Willis interjected. "why do we have to stop him?"

Rodriguez let out an impatient breath. "Jacob, we've been over this..."

"No, listen to me, Maria. I know you have a score to settle with the Umbra.  Hell, I hate him too, but let's face it, if we go back to Daxum, we'll die. We barely got out alive last time. Maybe it's time to cut our losses."

"Sure, we could run." Maria Rodriguez said eventually. "But to go where?" 

Willis looked annoyed. "The Umbra is not the king of the Ether system, Maria." 

"Not yet, you mean." 

Willis continued as if he hadn't heard her. "There are other Spice Lords. We could talk to them."

Rodriguez shook her head. "Sorry, Jacob but I have no intention of tying myself up to a gangster. Not again."

"So what's your alternative? Play the hero?" He asked, his voice heavy with sarcasm."Maybe you forgot, Maria, but we are mercs. We work for the highest bidder."

Rodriguez's face hardened. "That's not the point and you know it." She took a deep breath and when she spoke again, her voice was softer.  "I just don't want to spend the rest of my life watching over my shoulder. And that's exactly what will happen if we don't stop the Umbra."

That seemed to give him pause.

"It's not ideal." Willis admitted reluctantly. "But it's still better than being dead."

Rodriguez shook her head. "Running away is not the solution. Even if I was willing to hide, and I'm not, the Umbra will never leave us alone." The merc let that sink in for a moment. "Think about it. He got Gibson. Well, part of him at least. What do you think he wants to do with it?"

"He probably wants to create his own army of freaks." Willis said with obvious disgust. "What's your point?"

"And what will he use that army for?" Rodriguez asked in a dogged tone.

Willis shrugged. "Who knows what that madman he's up to. Maybe he wants to start a war."

Rodriguez had been waiting for those exact words. "And when he does, do you really think he will settle for one planet?"

A grim silence descended upon the room. 

The somber moment lasted only a few seconds, then Omen cleared his throat. "I think we can all agree that the Umbra must be stopped. Now, what do you think of Fanning's proposal?"

"He is lying." Willis said, without hesitation. "That guy is a weasel. He would do anything to save his skin."

"I agree." Sarah said. "We can't trust Fanning."

"The Umbra tortured him." Rodriguez pointed out. "Fanning has no interest in betraying us."

"Not that we can see." Willis rebutted. "That doesn't mean he won't stab us in the back at the first opportunity."

"We'll keep an eye on him." Omen assured. "But as I see it, we can't afford to pass up an opportunity like this. We need all the help we can get."

"Speaking of which...what about your people, Omen?" Rodriguez asked with obvious reluctance. "Can they help us?"

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