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First draft

Most of the Nostromus was dark, quiet except for the noise of the hyperdrive. It was a sound every space sailor knew well and yet, even that was softer than usual, more similar to the sound of the wind than the metallic whirling noise everyone hated. It was late, and everyone was sleeping, everyone except for two people. They were standing in the dark, staring at each other.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Dia said, breaking the silence.

Omen averted his gaze, "Sorry, Dia. Frankly, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you, Omen, I just don't trust you."

Omen flinched, "I suppose I deserved that. But if that's the case," He slipped her a curious glance, "why are you here?"

"You have Sarah to thank for that." She answered, "She can be very convincing."

Omen's eye flickered with amusement. 

"So that's the thing. I want to give you the chance to explain. That's why I'm here. I want answers, Omen."

Omen's expression sobered. "What do you want to know?"

"A lot of things, but let's start with Gibson. Why did you leave me to chase after him, Omen?"

Omen immediately tensed, "Dia, I can't answer that. Ask me whatever you want, but not that."
"Really, Omen?!" She flailed her arms around, her calm evaporating, "Unbelievable."
She headed for the door.

"Willis was right. It's personal." 

She halted.

"Gibson..." He clenched his fists, fury warping his face "he took something away from me."

"Took something away from you?"

"That's all I can say, Dia. Please, don't ask more."

"Fine," She threw her hands in the air. "I won't ask. But at least tell me this, do your superiors know about your side mission?"

"They don't. I haven't contacted the Empire since the accident on the Nostromus."
Her mouth fell open. "What? Why?"

Omen shrugged, "It's safer this way. Many people are in the Umbra's pockets."

"But...you are a soldier. Acting on your own..."

"Why, Corporal, are you worried about me?" A smile tugged at his lips. "Don't be. True, normally I would contact my superior, the Director of the ISS, the imperial secret services, and ask for orders. But this mission is different. They gave me carte blanche."

Dia raised a brow, "You have a lot of leeway for a soldier."
"I am also a secret agent." He reminded her.
"Believe me, I never forgot that, Omen." She said, "So, this means that nobody knows that you're still alive."

Omen scratched his head, "That's not...entirely correct. There is someone who knows...well, everything."

Dia gave him a frosty look. "Who?"

"Michell?" Her eyes went round. "The pilot?"

Omen gave her a stiff nod, "She is my science officer."
Her brow snapped together, "You said you were the only survivor." 

"I lied." He candidly admitted. 

"Why am not surprised?" Dia scowled at him, "You said I was bluffing."

Omen shrugged, "I hoped so, but I wasn't sure. I couldn't risk the lives of my men on a hunch."

"Their lives?" Dia narrowed her eyes. "How many people are we talking about here?" 

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