Chapter 18.3

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First draft

The Undercity. Two days later.

Returning to Daxum was a strange experience for Dia. Only a couple of weeks had passed since she'd left the planet, but the Undercity was a completely different place. Darker, quieter, gloomier. The industrial zone, in particular, still looked like a warzone. Most of the buildings lay in ruins and the acrid smell of burnt corpses still lingered in the air, a definite sign that the air recycle system wasn't working as intended. The streets were mostly empty and dark, though there were a few scavengers searching the ruins for valuables, wandering furtively between dust and debris.

"The mechs have been very thorough." Willis commented. "There are very few buildings left standing."

"That's no coincidence." Omen said. "This was Gun Nuts' territory."

Dia pricked up her ears at that. "Do you think they were targeting Gibson?" 

Omen gave a curt nod. "Definitively." 

"Whatever their reasons, this will have long-term repercussion on Daxum's economy." Sarah interjected. 

Omen nodded darkly. "Agreed. It will take a long time to recover."

No one was in a talking mood and even Fanning was unusually quiet. Things only started to improve when they left the industrial zone.  As they approached downtown that ghastly atmosphere faded a little more with every block.  Although many shops were still closed, most of the buildings were in pretty good condition, all things considered. More importantly, there were people around. 

"I still think this is a bad idea." Willis started grumbling when they were about to reach the meeting point. "We got a gunship. Why don't we just nuke the place from orbit?

"You know why." Rodriguez said tiredly. It was clear they'd had this discussion before. "We need Collins alive."

"This is insane." Willis continued, acting as if he hadn't heard. "The whole city is crawling with the Umbra's goons."

"Come on, Jacob. No one is even looking at us. But if you're getting cold feet..." She goaded him.

"Don't be ridiculous." Willis gave her an indignant look. "I'm not afraid of anything."

"Glad to hear that." She patted his shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."

"Of course!" He halted, raising his chin up a little. 

He looked quite proud of yourself, but then Rodriguez added, "Jacob, you're still lagging behind." 

Willis cursed under his breath, hurrying after her.

"That's it." Omen said quietly a couple of minutes later. "The meeting point."

"What about the Spider's men?" Dia enquired with a look of increasing anxiety. "Do you see them?"

"They are already here." Omen moved his head sideways.

Wearing pristine suits, gold cufflinks and expensive - though outdated - prewar wristwatches, the Spider's people looked more like corporate businessmen than gangsters. The leader of the delegation was a short, middle-aged man who wore a perpetual smile on his face. When he saw them he made a ninety degrees bow, and welcomed them like they were old friends. Despite the situation, he didn't look the least bit awkward. They called him Mr. Katsuragi and as the name suggested, he was of Asian descent. He looked like a career diplomat and behaved politely with everybody. Maybe that was why Dia instinctively distrusted him. Although Mr. Katsuragi's manners were impeccable, his bearing formal, and his appearance quintessential respectable, he also looked like a politician. As far as she was concerned, that was a major red flag. 

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