6: hello again.

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Alex's P.O.V

"Alpha! It's almost time for them to be here!" My beta Mace shouts into my office where I was doing some Alpha stuff like paperwork and schedules.

"Thanks I'll be right down!" I shouted back. Now I know what you are thinking. 'Why did you invite a pack of assassin's to help you?' Well because they are the strongest pack there is.

I walk down stairs just in time to hear about 3 cars pull up, I walk out he front doors to see six people get out five boys and one girl.

"Aren't there supposed to be seven?" Mace asked through the mind link.

"I think so." I replyed. As they walk up.

"Alpha Alex." One of them say

"Alpha Simon." I reply to him.

"Alpha this is my third in command August, my forth Leim, my best warrior Tim, my second best warrior Rachel, my technology and repair man Leim." He introduces every one and they all smile. His tone seems forced and every one smiles seem to be forced.

"Alpha you said that there would be seven of you, I only see six, is the sixth person your Beta?" I ask him.

"She will be coming soon. Do not worry." He says. 'She?!' I thought

"Your Beta is female?" I ask.

"Yes is there a problem with that?" He says back.

"No not at all." I say. Just then I hear a loud engine of a motorcycle. 'But they all came in cars.' I thought.

"Hey dude.... Ummm, you can park next to us.... Yeah ok, bye." Alpha Simon says into a ear piece i didn't notice till now that all of them had.

The motorcycle speeds into the drive way, it was on a straight a way towards Alpha Simon and looked like it was not going to stop anytime soon.

"Alpha Simon! Watch out!" I yell while pointing to the motorcycle, which was about 30 feet from him.

"I know now calm you jets." He replyed calmly, the motorcycle got 2 feet from him. Before doing flip -yes a freaking flip- over his head landing on the other side of him and pulling into the space next to the cars. That must be the Beta.

"You make it no fun Simon." I heard a angel like voice say, then the smell hit me, it was chocolate mint mixed with pine. Wait a minute the only person I know that smells like that is my ex-mate but she ran away and is thought to be dead.

'Mates back!!' I heard my wolf say. This was the first time I heard him from him in years, from the day Violet left he would not talk to me.

~the day Violet ran away~

I was suprized that Violet took the rejection so well she was always weak and scared of me and everyone but when I rejected her she was strong and didn't even flinch, it was like she was prepared for it but that's impossible she has not gotten her wolf yet she's not 16. Oh well at least I don't have to deal with that annoying weakling of a mate anymore.

I walked back into school and sat next to my future Beta and third in command; Mace and Justin. They are my best friends, I saw Lilly looking at me with lust, I just looked at her with board eyes. All I could think about was how would Violet know to prepare for my rejection.

All of a sudden I felt like a part of the pack link was torn away. I took in a sharp breath as I looked around, the other pack members we're looking down or gasping in pain. Some one left the pack and that someones wolf was important and strong.

'Meet me at the pack house.' I ordered Mace and Justin

'Yes Alpha.' They replyed. I got up and exited the classroom after I gave the teacher a nasty glare. The teacher was in my pack so he submitted and bowed his head to me.

I ran to the pack house and looked around and sniffed he air. Violet was here not ten minutes ago. I walk up to the attic and realized that it was Violet that left.

'Then why did it feel that someone strong left? She does not even have a wolf.' I thought.

I saw a note that a had Violets sent all over it. As I read it my face help no emotions.

'You made mate leave you idiot!' My wolf roared at me.

'Your the idiot she would have held us back from being a powerful Alpha!' I yelled at him. I felt his presence dispersing into the back of my mine till he was completely gone.

I followed her sent to the border. She left, she really left. Good.

~present day~

"I know I don't make it any fun. That's my job, someone has to keep you in line and I am the only one with balls enough to do it Al- Beta." Alpha Simon says. At the last part the girl glares at him. Then he turns to me.

"Alpha Alex this is my Beta, Violet." He says and I just stair at her as she takes off her helmet. She's more beautiful now. She is fit and has noticeable musicals showing through her leather jacket.

"Wow..... What happened to you?" I asked in amazement.

"She won't talk to you or anyone on this pack unless she absolutely has to." August says as Violet glares at me. I feel a power that was stronger then a Alphas power suddenly surround me. But she's a Beta.

The Alpha and others eyes widened and they surrounded her, they act like she was going to set something on fire.

"Calm down Vi."

"Girl you know that you can hurt someone or something when you get mad."

"You know it drains you and your wolf when you do that so stop." These we're some of the things I heard come from the pack members surrounding her. Soon she calmed down but still glared at me.

"Well Violet hello." I said to her. She just started at me.

"Where are our rooms?" Asked Alpha Simon.

"Oh right. I almost forgot you guys get our own house. For privacy and so you feel at home." I answered as I started to walk them to their house.

"More like for the safty of your own pack." I heard Violet say and the rest of them laugh not even trying to hide it.

We get to the house and I turn around to face them. They are all laughing and joking around with Violet while she is chuckling and joking back until she felt my stare on them, she stoped all of laughing silly act and turned cold as if she was never joyful in the first place. I looked down slightly and then looked at her.

I started to walk away after explaining that this is where they will be staying and as I get next to Violet I say,

"Hello again. Mate."

(Hope you guys injoyed!  Make sure to comment it really helps and I how that you like the length of it to!)

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Where stories live. Discover now