25: Trouble

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Alex's P.O.V

After me and Simon were droped off in Violets guest's veiwing room, we turned on the T.V. It had a title scream that said.

"Before game veiwing." It showed a floor that had the contestants rooms, labeled by their names. I saw Violet and Sean walking to a door and entering it. A red force field went up around the door. Soon other contestants were flowing in to their rooms.

"Hey, Alpha Alex come over here, you can see the whole arena." Alpha Simon called. I walk over to the balcony, and look down. He was right. You could see the whole arena. All of the demons that came to see the games. The walls behind them showed all of the demons that sadly lost their lives in the games. Soon the announcer comes out.

"First one out as always! Volet King and her trainer Sean Shapiro!" He shouted. His voice traveling just fine to everyone. She looks up at us, her face blank. The announcer asked Sean to restrain her as she gets injected. He complied. He held her in a choke hold with her hands tightly behind her back. Leo growled at the sight of another being holding our mate that way. She struggles and she squirms in his grip, he doesn't let go till she calms down.

"Ready to shift?" He asks her, she nodded and he releases her. Now me and Sean expected her to shift into her wolf, so you can imagine the shock when black fathered wings with daggers sprouted from her back, long fanges that hugged her skin till they curled under her chin grew, and her eyes went to a black and red color.

"What the hell?" I heard a voice say from behind us. We quickly spun around, just to see Violet's dad behind us looking at he T.V. He looks at us, nods, and looks down over the balcony towards his daughter. She flexed the muscles in her wings making daggers shoot out, and into the ground, immediately more daggers grew in replacement as the ones in the ground released acid, and poison. Sean and her smirked, he leaned down to her ear, said something that she nodded to, and then teleported up here. He sat on the couch. Me and Simon looked back down at the arena.

"Damn it. I knew something was off." Satan mumbled. I looked over at him.

"What do you mean sir?" I ask. He looks at me.

"Her demon, Lucifer, is going into a very defensive mode. Either meaning someone that can match her strength is about to enter the games or, she has mated to you. But I don't think that has happened seeing that you don't have the royal mark yet, nor do you smell of her." He explained. Simon stiffness tells me he knows who Satan is talking about but, he doesn't say anything. The announcer brings in a lot more people but, I don't pay attention, I just stair at my mate. Right as we think it's over the announcer started talking again, this made all of us perk up.

"There is a odd contestant this year. This boy is 19, has never fought in the games but, he has fought against our princess. He is strong and almost a matching opponent against her." This made everyone tense. I look over at Simon.

"There is only one person you said can match her." I said, wantig him to clarify that this guy is who I think he is. Simon nodded, and we looked back down. A guy with huge black wings that are bigger than Violet's walked out, he had short spiky black hair, fangs just as big as Violets, and he had bright glowing blue eyes. The screen appeared just like for everyone else, showing his information.

Trainer: himself
Time spent training: 104,082
Age: 19
Family: None
Invites: None
Times won: 0

They walk up to eachother. He smirked at her, she challenged him by smirking back.

"Let the games begin." They both said together. The announcer looked up at us, Satan nodded.

"Very well. We will start with stealth tomorrow!" He shouted. Everyone cheered. The contestants walked back in the door they came out of. I looked back at the T.V noticing that they all went into their rooms, Logan's was right across the hall from Violets. They glared at eachother before walking to the rooms.

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Where stories live. Discover now