32: Silent Promise

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Logan's P.O.V

Her lips are so soft... Her sent was completely enveloped me, it calmed my racing thoughts and put me at ease. Nothing mattered in the world at this moment. I had her in my arms, and thats all that matters right now. We might make been kissing for a few minutes but it felt like seconds, I didn't want to let her go but we still had to breathe. I softly pulled away from her, I moved my hand from the back of her neck to cup her right cheek softly. She leaned into my palm, her glossy, puffy red eyes are half closed, her face had soft tear marks. I softly ran my thumb under her right eye the tear mark wiped away. It was like I was wiping her sadness away but I knew that was wrong. She still had Alex. I unintentionally let out a deep growl at the thought of the weak mutt that so desperately tried to grasp as much power as he could and would hurt his own mate to accomplish just that. Yet he still had the audacity to call himself an Alpha.

She tried to pull out of my grasp as we heard someone approaching, I only held her tighter, closer to me. Slowly Alex came in our line of sight. I glared at him, he caused Violet pain, he deserves to die. His eyes landed on us, he walked closer to us. I growled at him and held Violet closer to me, I wasn't going to let him near her, he had hurt her if it was up to me he would be dead for even looking at her. He glared at me, still advancing on us. Within a second I stood up and pushed Violet behind me, I had my fist clenched by my side.

"Step away from my mate Logan." Alex snarled at me. A growl ripped through me from the depths of my throat.

"She's not your mate. You caused her so much pain and are still hurting her! She will never be yours!" I yelled at him. My fist engulfed with bright blue flames.

"What and you think she's yours? You tortured her for fucks sake!" He fired back. The flames spread from my fist to up my arm all the way up to my shoulder.

"There are reasons that I did what I did. It hurt me every time she whimpered. Every time I left her I destroyed everything in sight, I killed in my rages after I hurt her. That's a lot more then what you did when you hurt her, you simply laughed and went back to your little slut." I growled. He seemed taken aback by what I said.

"H-how did you know all of that? Only the pack knows..." He asked me, I laughed, it started as a low chuckle but evolved into a full out laugh.

"I know a lot more then you think. I have been watching your so called 'pack' sense I was three years old. I know everything you have done, and said. I know when you went to sleep every night, I know when you left for school, I know when you went into your 'secret' basement. I know everything Alex. Everything." There was silence for a while, I'm not sure how long it could have been ten seconds for ten minutes. Alex looked at me, his eyes didn't hold any regret, any emotions.

"Violet. Come here. We are going home." He commanded. I glared at him, I sensed Violet get up behind me. She moved beside me. I glanced at her. She looked at me, smiled and reached for my hand, I hesitated but took her hand.

"I need to talk to Logan about one thing, meet me at the house, tell Sean to get Adam and Jean. I'll be back in a couple minutes." She tells him. He glares at her.

"No you are coming with me." He growls out, he rushed over to her and gripped her arm. I was about to punch him but Violet lit her arm on fire with her black flames. Alex jerked his hand back, the flesh in it was burned and charred.

"Ouch that's gonna hurt for a few weeks." I muttered, I was a victim to hell's flames once and it didn't heal for five weeks. Alex looked at Violet with rage and slight fear.

"I'll be back soon. Go." Violet told Alex, he glared at me but left. Once he was out of hearing range I looked over to Violet only to find she was already looking at me.

"So.... What did you want to talk about?" I ask as I scratch the back of my neck. The fact that we just kissed definitely took it's time before slapping me in the face.

"I wanted to talk about Alex actually..." She trailed off. I raised one of my eyebrows in a silent request for her to carry on.

"You told me that if I didn't reject him it might put Destiny in even more pain... Why?" She asked, her head was down.

"Because the only reason he wants you now is because you are the black wolf, not because your his mate. He wants your power and will never actually think of you as an equal, instead he will think of you as a means to gain power in the supernatural world. Destiny doesn't deserve that. She deserves to be worshiped, loved, not used as a tool." I told her, she needs to reject him. She looks up at me. She smiled, her eyes showed determination and gratitude.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For helping me make up my mind."

"I'm still confused." She laughed at my answer.

"You'll see what I mean. I have to leave now, I still have a pack to take care of." Victor whimpered at the thought of her leaving, I don't want to let her go but I have to. She has responsibilities to take care of. I looked down at my feet.

"Can-.... Can I kiss you... One last time before you leave?" I asked my words sounded vulnerable. I braced myself for a hit but it never came, instead she put a hand on my cheek and made me look at her. She smiled and nodded. I immediately leaned in, stoping when our lips were half an inch away from each other, I looked at her silently asking permission once again. Personally I don't know if I could stop myself even if she said no. She grabbed the back of my head and connected our lips for the second time that night. My eyes fell shut as I snaked my arms around her lower back, walking forward till her back hit a tree. Our lips moved in perfect harmony each of us reading the others emotions that are being pushed through the kiss. It wasn't a steamy or arousing kiss, but it was passionate and held to many emotions to count. I made a promise then, one that I will forever keep.

Violet King. I will kill anyone that would dare think of hurting you, I will torture those that have harmed a hair on your head. I promise that I will protect you no matter what. Because you Violet King are my second chance and I won't screw up this time.

(Hey guys! Long time no update, sorry about that, I'm not going to make up excuses because honestly I have none... Anyways, how did you like this chapter? I know it's a bit short, I apologise for that. What do you guys think about Logan? How about Alex. Will Alex do some totally amazing thing and win Violet back or will she reject him? Will she opt for Logan? Who knows??? Oh wait.... I do! As always remember to comment it really does keep me going and bring a smile to my face on even the darkest days!)

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