34: Merge?

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(Violet's P.O.V)

"Alpha? What do they mean Alpha?" Lilly screeched, I closed my eyes to keep from cringing at her voice.

"They mean what they say, I'm the alpha of the blood moon pack. For safety reasons it appears that Simon is the alpha even if in reality I am the true Alpha of the pack. if other packs knew that I was Alpha then we would have a lot more attacks and I don't want to put my pack members at risk, just because of my wolf color and my parents." I explained after opening my eyes again. Lilly ran over to Alex clinging onto his arm and looking at him, she was batting her long thick disgusting eyelashes they looked like they had been coated 1000 layers of mascara and practically closing her eyes due to the weight.

"Bae? Your not going to leave me for this pathetic lying slut right? I mean come on! she's clearly lying about her true possession order get you to love her. There's no way that she could ever be a alpha any pack let alone the Luna of this one, I'm the true Luna aren't I?" She practically beg for Alex's reassurance that she was higher than me and more important. Oh well I don't give a flying fuck, she can have the smiley shit face. You could see that Alex was cringing at her voice and truly wanted her to leave him alone. He looked at me then away to his pack. They didn't move and most where looking at the ground. Everyone knew that me and Alex are true mates, how can someone not? The way he looks at me, the way he growls when any guys near me, the way he tries to protect me when he thinks that there's danger around, note how I said tries. I don't need protection from him I have the strongest wolf in the world and one of the two strongest demons in the world I don't need anyone's production, let alone his.

"You can have him I honestly don't care. All I want is my power anyways." I say. Motioning my pack to stand up, they have been bowing and I completely forgot for a second. Lilly's voice completely threw me off guard I haven't heard it in so long when I was in hell I completely forgot how annoying it was. My pack stood up and stood behind me Jean and Alex standing right beside me.

"Alpha Alex would never do that. You two are true mates, he's supposed to love you with all of his heart and never let anything happen to you. he can't ever hurt you like that he can't ever just want you for the power who go completely against everything has wolf of me telling him. And if the wolf completely disagrees with the human than the wolf would separate from him and they would both die." Jordan step forward to defend his Alpha.

"Correct. But that didn't seem to faze him when he was yelling at my betta, Simon, about how he only wanted me for my power. How now that he saw me fight in the games, my wolf color, and my status in the most dangerous pack in the world I am and I quote 'worthy enough to be his mate and Luna.'" I told Alex's pack looking Jordan in the eyes the whole time. Jordan looked at his Alpha to see if it was true but Alex only looked away.

"W-why? How? How can you do that to your mate? You don't deserve the title of Alpha, your a disgrace to wolfs, we are known for treating our mates with the up most respect and loving them to the point it's all we can think about. We are meant to cherish our mates and we feel empty when they aren't around. I forgave your once for rejecting her because you were a stupid boy who didn't know anything but power, I thought you would have changed and tried to fix what you did. It seemed like you started to try but that was after you found out her wolf color. I guess that wasn't enough was it Alex?" Jordan started out yelling then his voice leveled out. I looked at him in shock, he insulted his Alpha, and blatantly refused to call him his Alpha anymore. Alex stepped up infront of him. When Jordan didn't bow he got even for pissed.

"You bow to your Alpha. All of you bow to me! I'm your damn Alpha!" Alex growled to his pack. They stayed standing. Jordan looked him in the eye.

"Your not our Alpha. Our Alpha wouldn't be so cruel to reject his mate and then want her back for only her power." Mason said stepping forward. Mason and Jordan then looked to me. 

"Violet. We are sorry for the way we treated you in the past, it was wrong of us... I know I speak for the majority of the pack that hurt you, we only did it out of fear. Alex... He... Was intimidating to us, we knew if we called him out or tried to get him to stop we would end up being banished from the pack. I'm so sorry, we we're idiot kids who didn't know what we were doing. I would give my life and loyalty to you if you would forgive me... If you don't except I understand." Jordan told me. Mason along with the pack nodded in agreement. I was almost in tears. These people that hurt me for so long and scarred me for life are practically begging me to forgive them. I look at them, each one had guilt in there eyes, till I met a pair of eyes that held disgust. Lilly stood there glaring at me with enough disgust it could fool you into thinking she just saw someone get murdered. I look back at Jordan.

"If I was to accept you offer then there are things your pack would have to do. Like merge into mine and ALL of you would have to convert to my ruling. Meaning the blood ceremony under the next full moon." I told him. Oh how I would love to put all of these people through my packs daily life. They would all see how a good pack runs, how they comunicate with one another. How they respect each other no matter the rank. But it only works if all of them do it, that means Alex and Lilly. Jordan look back at Mason and the pack. Most of them nod besides Alex and Lilly, they ok the other hand we're sething. Lilly opens her mouth to speak but Jean immediately teleport behind her and slam a hand over her mouth.

"Shut up, I don't plan on losing my hearing today and if you talk that's exactly what's gonna happen." She growls at Lilly.

"Get your hands off her. You aren't aloud to touch her." Alex tries to get Jean off of Lilly. Jean glares at him.

"Listen mutt. I can do what ever I want unless the Princess tells me otherwise. I'm a fucking royal guard for the next ruler of hell, I have more power over you. So I suggest you don't tell me what to do." Alex looks taken back by her outburst. Jordan speaks up.

"We might have throw some people out before we do the ceremony but we will be ready by the next full moon to merge. If it's alright with your pack of course Alpha Violet." Jordan finishes with a slight bow of the head. Jean returns to my side after knocking Lilly out. I look back at my friends in question. They all nod a yes. I look back at Jordan.

"I will return to my pack lands and ask the whole pack but from what I can tell we will accept your offer. It may take time for my pack to completely take you on and see you as good because of your past with me but, they are understanding. I will call with in the week with my answer. It will only be me, my guards, and Sean will be leaving. Your training will be as normal." I nod to my pack mates and hug them one last time.

"I'll set up a call to our phones and my helmet so we can talk while I ride home." I tell them. They nod and walk me to the front. I notice Adam smell the air then look at me. I smell the air, getting the sent of Alex, both packs, and... Oh shit. He's not supposed to be here. If my pack senses him it's going to be chaos. I quickly say my goodbyes to my pack members and get on my motorcycle. Jean, Adam, and Sean all got in a car and drove next to me as we left the pack territory. I heard a engine next to me that didn't belong to the car. I looked over and was a black motorcycle with blue LED lights. My breath hitched in surprise.

"Alpha? What's wrong?" I heard from the call I linked with my pack.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." I told them. I heard a laugh over the engine from the motorcycle next to me.

"Who is that Alpha?" Simon asked.

"No one." I answered a but to quickly. I cringed, darn it now they definitely know something is up.

"You're lying. Tell us the truth, who did we hear?" Rachel told me sternly.

"You'll find out soon enough. Calm down, he's not a threat."

"He?" Shit. Didn't mean to do that.

"Leave it be guys." I told them in my alpha tone.

(Hey guys! Update finally. How do you like it? There is another book out on my profile, this one will not be put of hold or discontinued, the idea I had for the other book was consuming my thought to the point I couldn't think about this one. So it fix that I wrote the first chapter to it. This book will still be my main book so don't worry about it. Remember to comment, it really helps me stay motivated to continue this book and let's me know I'm doing good!)

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora