Mike protection

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Mikes P.O.V.

After deciding on 'fostering' him for "while" we get to school and into geometry class. So here's how it all went down in order to take Blue with us to school.

we had to put blue in my backpack because Jess has one those paperboy bags that goes across the chest. 

Jess thought it is animal endangerment if I put Blue in the lockers so here we are in class with blue in my backpack with the zipper half way open for breath.

Every once in a while ill pat the little guy on the head in order for him not to make a sound.

 when I get to look away I hear my bag drop from the back of my chair and small scratches come from behind. I panic but then turn to see blue pawing on Jessica's lap when that didn't work for him he starts to let little whimpers out that's when Jess looks down and with a smile across her face she picks him up and put blue on her lap. 

cuteness overload!!

right then and there blue falls asleep.

after many classes and people awwing and peeping over at the furball, it was lunchtime, everyone has gotten to get out.
I wait by the car for Jess to come. 

"Yo! what you still doing here? isn't that vesica girl's car?" out of nowhere Greg comes to say.

with an irritated sigh, I lean up from the car and turn to him "I'm just waiting for someone and the girl you talking about is Jessica" I say. Greg waves it off and rolls his eyes, it takes so much power for me to not punch him. "whatever, anyway the guy's and I are going to 80's worlds you up for it?" I think about it and since today is Jessica's day so why not. "yeah sure I'm for it save me a couple of seats" I say with a harsh tone. 

"who's the girl?" and right when he said that Jess comes out the doors looking hot walking away from the building along with blue walking by her side. 

I smirk and point "her," I say with a gentle but protective tone in my voice. I look at him to see a disgusted look on his face "alright we'll see you there." he starts to walk away but as he does he pulls out some kind of liquid and opens it to take a drink and then
he 'bumps' right into Jess and spilling whatever he had on to her head.

"Oops, my bad fat cow, I didn't see you there" the smile just grew bigger on his face. At a point, I punch him straight to the ground but at the same time, I'm kinda glad he did it.

He did me a favor of taking Jess out to get new outfits, normally on a Friday, she looks like her everyday self. So I take this opportunity to get to take her to the mall and spoil the hell out of her as much as I can.

but that shit he just pulled all I saw was lava

"hey what the hell!" I get up in his face
"Bro chill the frick out I didn't see the losses bitch there" he pushes me back
"I legit saw you pour that on her on purpose!?" I grab him by the neck. The gear I see gives me success

"Mike i-it's fine let's go I-I'm hungry anyway" Jess tries to reasons with me at this point I'm ready to put him 8 ft under. Jess tugs twice more on my shirt along with blue in an attacking position, that my boy protecting our princess
she parties my hands away and signaling him to go. "this isn't over" I tell him in a hard cold tone, blue barks in the same response

I quickly turn around to see Jess full walking speed to the other side


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that it for this chapter 

See u in the next chapter

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