Severed Arm

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"I'm picking up Winnie," Stiles said. "What the fuck do you mean," Sky demanded, "We can't go to his house and we're stuck driving around. We might as well. She might have an idea," Stiles pointed out. He called her and drove towards her house. Sky was arguing with him the entire time not wanting to put her in danger. Sky groaned as they pulled up by her street. Being Stiles refused to listen.

"Get in the car," Stiles said. "Excuse me," Winnie asked. "Derek is in the car we need your help," Stiles said. "O-Okay," Winnie said and walked to grab her bag hanging up the phone. Stiles sighed in relief as the door opened and then realized it wasn't Winnie. "Oh no," Skyler muttered. The boy close to Derek's age walked out. "Who the hell are you," he asked. "Hi... I-I'm a friend of Winnie's," Stiles said. "Hiiiiiii George," Sky said. George looked at Derek Hale confused. "It's a long story," Sky said. George was glaring down Stiles. "George," Winnie said walking out. She could see how shitty Derek looked from her front steps. Stiles stepped out. "Winnie," her brother started. "It's fine. You can trust them," she reassured. "Get home safe and keep me updated," he ordered. She jokingly saluted and hugged her older brother before climbing in the back seat. George gripped onto Stiles's coat, "Anything happens to her and I'll kill you." Stiles nodded petrified. George let him go and walked back inside. They started to drive off and it was silent for a minute. "Soooo... what the fuck happened to you," Winnie asked Derek. "I was shot, by an Argent and the bullet is laced in werewolf poison," Derek said. "Wolfsbane or silver," Winnie asked. "Silver isn't poisonous more like lichen or wolfsbane," Derek said, "But closer than stiles."

"What am I supposed to do with him," Stiles asked frustrated "Take him somewhere... Anywhere," Scott stressed over the phone. "And by the way he's starting to smell," Stiles hissed "Like-like what," Scott asked "Like death," Stiles snapped. "Ok take him to the animal clinic," Scott offered. "What about your boss Stiles asked. "He's gone by now," Scott said and Winnie was looking through the internet. "Ok so what's the difference in the bullets," Winnie asked. "The difference is how we remove the poison," Derek hissed. "Oh thank you so much, that just clears everything up. SPECIFICS, Derek," Winnie replied. He rolled his eyes and took the phone Stiles was handing over. "Where are we going," Sky asked as Stiles made a U-turn. "Scott's job," Stiles grumbled as Derek spoke with Scott. "Where the hell does Scott work," Winnie asked. "An animal clinic," Stiles stated. Winnie started chuckling at the irony and all the others glared at her. Derek hung up. "Hey for the time being would you like a Mickey Mouse band aid for the gaping hole in your arm," Winnie asked the dying werewolf. Despite Stiles's laughter she took the death stare as a no.

Stiles unlocked the door and the girls pulled Derek inside the clinic. "Does Nordic blue Monkshood mean anything to you," Stiles asked. "It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet," Derek said. "Why," Stiles asked. "Because I'm going to die without it," Derek said. Winnie cursed and they pulled Derek up again as Stiles closed the back. "What needs to happen when the bullet gets here incase you go down," Winnie asked. "The inside of it need to go in the wounds and it needs to get burned out," Derek said. Winnie nodded. The two girls had yet to speak, but Winnie was no longer holding a grudge.

They turned on the lights. Stiles and Derek were going back and forth. "If he doesn't get here in time we're going to have to have a last resort," Derek said pulling something from a cabinet. His shirt was off now. Stiles didn't know why, but part of him wanted to remove Winnie from the room every time he caught her check him out. "Is that a bone saw," Skyler asked. "You're going to have to cut off my arm," Derek said. Stiles's entire face dropped. "Oh! my god," Stiles said, "What if you bleed to death?" "It'll heal if it worked," Derek said. Stiles went off about how he couldn't do it and Winnie pondered it while they spoke. "You faint at the sight of blood," Derek asked. "No but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm," Stiles snapped.

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