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They were escorted out. Scott tried to explain everything to Stillinski. The girls were together as Sky shut the others up about the wound. Lydia was confused, but Jackson put it together and helped her cover. "Why pay medical bills you can't afford when your aunt's an RN," she added. They took off and Scott ran after Allison. "Hey," Stiles said running to Winnie and Skyler. "You guys okay," he asked. Skyler nodded, "I'm okay." They both looked to Winnie who nodded. Stiles handed her her phone and she stuffed it in her pocked to hide her still shaking hands.

The girls went home and Stiles took his friend out. Stiles was wasted while Scott had gotten buzzed for all of five seconds no matter how much he drank. "I love girls," Stiles slurred, "Especially girls with strawberry blonde hair are five foot three." "You talking about Lydia," Scott asked. "How do you know what I was what?... What was I talking about? Oh yeah! Girls.. Strawberry. Cold, damp, bun that looks like milk chocolate cupcakes. Cute little dimples," Stiles trailed off. "Wait a minute," Scott stopped. He looked at his friend. "Are you still talking about Lydia Martin," Scott asked. "Pretty smart girl dating a douchebag," Stiles continued.

Skyler refused to leave her friend alone tonight. She threw her top in the wash and cleaned herself up seeing it was fully healed. She threw on Winnie's spare hoodie and walked up the stairs to her room. George was finishing talking with her and walked out. They binged the office to take their mind off of everything and another week was cancelled. Skyler had spent most of her time taking care of her sick friend since Winnie had caught the flu. Every time Stiles said I told you so a tub of vick's was chucked at his head. They were heading back to school and George kept offering that his sister stay home. "I have to go back eventually," Winnie argued. He sighed in defeat and let her leave as Stiles pulled up. "Woah you are super on edge," she pointed out as she saw Scott. They went through school and Isaac was talking about the events. Winnie was tapping her leg anxiously.

They were able to go through the day relatively normally. They made it to chem next and Harris talked about the test. Winnie raised her hand, "Name as in full legal name?" "No Ms. Wizinski as in your DJ name," he remarked. "I'm between DJ names at the moment," Winnie replied. He shot her a glare and started the timer. Lydia and Winnie were flying through the test. Stiles and Skyler were able to make sense of most of it, but Scott was unable to focus from the sensory overload he was being subjected to. They looked up as Scott left. Stiles took off after him. Winnie got up handing in her test. "I'll go get them," she said. She rushed out and found Stiles by the the outside of locker room. "Harris sent me to bring you two back," she explained after Stiles jumped. He hadn't told her nor Skyler about the alpha wanting the two betas to kill their old pack. Stiles also didn't tell her how far Scott was pushed back with his control after the break up with Allison.

"Where's Scott," she asked. "That's what I'm trying to figure out," Stiles explained. "Oh he's getting over loaded isn't he? It's a full moon tonight," she said calmly. Scott heard Winnie's voice and he thought back to the other night when she was so terrified. He felt an overwhelming responsibility to protect her. He was able to calm down a bit in a desperate attempt to not harm the secretly fragile girl. Stiles and Winnie walked towards the showers and Stiles took lead. They saw Scott freaking out after he turned off the water. Scott couldn't breathe. Stiles whipped out his friend's spare inhaler and threw it to him. Winnie felt awful seeing him like that after he had just protected all of them a few days ago. "Use it," Stiles said. Scott started to calm down. "I was having an asthma attack," Scott demanded. "No you were having a panic attack, but thinking you were having an asthma attack stopped the panic attack. Irony," Stiles said. "How did you know how to do that," Scott asked. "Remember after my mom died," Stiles explained. Scott remembered and nodded as Stiles kept talking to give him time to catch his breath.

Winnie zoned out for the next back and forth as she glanced around the room. Flashes of the other night returned. She's going to have to work this event like the others. She looked back over and Stiles planned to lock Scott up. Scott warned they need to do more than lock him up in his room. They walked back and they finished the test. Sky passed by Scott and pulled him up to his feet. "Why are you torturing yourself," she demanded knowing he was listening into Allison wherever she was. "I can't help it," said. "Come on," she pressed grabbing his stuff. "Where are we going," he asked. "Away from the vandalism," Skyler pointed out the hole his head had made in the hall's wall.

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