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"Scott pointed out Jackson was watching them. Winnie was the only one who didn't look over. "So formal," Skyler broke out as Stiles struggled to think of a topic of conversation. "What about it," Scott asked. "Are you going? Do we get to make fun of how awkward you look in a suit," she asked. Scott and Stiles realized Jackson was missing from his table. Skyler had tried to block out his voice. "I'll smuggle the alcohol," Winnie said trying to pull them away from Jackson't mind games. Sky got fed up. "I'm talking to him," she said. "Skyler no," Winnie said grabbing her wrist. Skyler glared Jackson down and walked over. "What the fuck did I say," she demanded. Lydia and Allison looked at her surprised. "Oh boy," she heard Danny say. "I tried to help you. I hoped you weren't a complete prick, but I guess I was wrong so let me make myself clear," she said and shoved him into the wall. "Skyler," Danny snapped.

"Keep fucking with my friends! Do it," she instigated shoving her finger into is chest. "I fucking dare you. I'm just waiting right now Jackson. Give me any fucking reason to slam your head through concrete! Come on! We're out in the open now. I have just as much dirt an you as you do on them. You might want be careful where you hang your dirty laundry to dry." "I don't know what you're talking about," he asked. "Of course you don't. Not while people are watching right? Gotta keep up the façade," Sky said and chuckled bitterly. She was pried off of Jackson and expected it to be Danny, Scott, Stiles, Winnie or even Lydia. "Isaac," she asked confused as he pulled her out by her arm.

"What the hell has gotten into you," he asked. "He had it coming," Skyler said looking away. "Never in a million years would you confront someone let alone threaten them in front of the entire student body," Isaac pressed. "Times change," she said. "Sky... what happened," he asked. "I have been through hell his past month! The last fucking thing I need is his little temper tantrum right now," she fumed. "What happened this month? Sky talk to me," he pressed. "I-I can't Isaac. Not right now at least. I promise when it's all handled I will fill you in and never keep you out of the loop, but right now I need to figure this shit out with as few casualties as possible. The less you and anyone else know right now better," she pressed. His eyes searched her face. "You don't have to go through this alone," he said. "Isaac it's fine," she said. "Sky. Skyler," he said as she started to walk off. "Skyler! Enough off this kamikaze bull shit. I won't make you open up to, me just promise me to stay out of danger and if you do find yourself in trouble call. I'll steal my dad's car I don't care, just keep Winnie and yourself safe," he pressed. She nodded and walked to her class as the bell rung.

Skyler was pulled over by Lydia. "What where you talking about earlier," Lydia asked before she could make it to her free before Bio. She was supposed to meet Stiles and wait for Scott who was supposed to have the necklace by now, but he didn't so they were trying form a new plan. "I-I was just pissed because Jackson has been toying with you, and Allison, and tried to be nice with me to get to Scott, constantly messes with Scott, and Winnie, and I lost my temper," she said noticing the tear trails. "What did he do," she asked. "He broke up with me! In a text," she said. "I should have let Derek kill him," Sky commented. Skyler got roped into consoling Lydia and texted Winnie and Stiles as school ended.

"Uhhh Skyler can't come," Winnie said reading her text as they walked into Stiles's house. "What," Stiles asked. "She said and I quote 'there is a depressed, crying, Lydia in my lap that I need to fix before the game tonight' Followed by things to look up," Winnie said looking up from her phone as she entered Stiles's room. "Oh my god," she jumped seeing Derek who put a finger to his lips as Stiles saw him and jumped but slipped up. Winnie flipped him off. Sheriff called and Derek motioned to go. Stiles walked out and Winnie blocked the door from the inside. "What'd you say," his dad asked. "What? I said Yooo, dad," Stiles replied. Sheriff said he had to do something but he'd be there and he was happy and proud. Winnie laughed as Stiles let out a squeak of excitement as he said he was on first line. They hugged and Winnie pulled him back in as his dad turned. Derek lifted both of them by their shirts.

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